[艺术家]导演米歇尔·阿扎纳维西于斯将执导丧尸题材惊悚喜剧新片[Z(像Z)](Z(CommeZ),暂译)。罗曼·杜里斯、让-帕斯卡尔·扎迪([乘风破浪的黑哥哥])主演。该片翻拍自日本影片[摄影机不要停!],故事围绕一个丧尸电影的片场展开。 Aline Ruby, an obstinate private detective, and Carlos Rivera, an android replica of his deceased partner, throw themselves in a race against the clock across Mars. They must find Jon Chow, a simple cybernetics student who’s on the runs, before the hitmen who are following him closely kill him. 典雅舒适的小剧院里,一出差强人意的舞台剧正在上演,突然有名观众挺身站起,打断了演出的进行。他自称名叫亚尼克,是一名停车场管理员,下班后舟车劳顿赶来看戏,演出内容却让他失望透顶。众人将他驱离剧院,过没多久他却又突然出现,掏出手枪跳上舞台……今晚,亚尼克才是真正的主角!