影片讲述在种族偏见根深蒂固的美国南方小镇,白人男主人公汉克(比利·鲍勃·汤顿 饰)与黑人妇女莱茜娅(哈莉·贝瑞饰)一段纠缠在死亡与种族歧视下的爱情故事。汉克生长在极端种族主义的保守白人家庭,深受父亲影响。在父亲退休后,汉克接手负责执行死刑。在刚刚处死了一个黑人死囚后,汉克意想不到的邂逅了他的妻子莱茜娅。很快,两人坠入情网。可在种族观念保守僵化的环境下,这不可思议的命运交集,会像舞蹈般缠绵动人还是举步维艰呢? 本片女主角哈莉·贝瑞荣获第74届奥斯卡金像奖(2002)最佳女主角。 A 'mockumentary' about David Moore, the filmmaker who first dreamed of "sharks in a tornado" and brought on disaster by using real sharks. The first SHARKNADO was to be a movie never seen, a crime never reported, a tale never told. Until now. 当弗雷德不小心把家人出去旅游度假的钱弄丢的时候,他开始计划用他的头脑把钱再弄回来。他打算举办一场空前的摔跤赛事,并说服一直都是他最好的朋友BarneyRubble(KevinMichaelRichardson配音)成为职业摔跤选手,他甚至作为发起人邀请那些非常受欢迎的摔跤选手加入,包括JohnCenastone(约翰·塞纳配音)和TheUndertaker(马克·卡拉韦配音)。这场赛事引发了人群的沸腾,人们疯狂的从售票口涌入赛场,同时赛事的火爆也引起了世界摔角娱乐(WWE)总裁VinceMcMagma(文斯·麦克马宏配音)的目光。该片由许多WWE摔跤手和相关人员为其人物提供他们的声音。 Tom Sizemore plays Jack Durant, a dynamic and dangerous gentleman who runs the most famous steakhouse in the city. He caters to movie stars, politicians and mobsters. He knows all their secrets but does anyone really know the man they call Jack Durant? Anmar dreams of becoming a great soccer player, and he finally has his chance to join a team while studying architecture in the U.S. But, to reach his potential, Anmar must first convince his father who threatens to send him back home, get on with his teammates who see Anmar more as a terrorist than a striker, and work with his classmate, Ana, who is just a bit too hot. 本片基于真实故事改编,讲述的是JimmieLewallen和他的妻子Carrie二战期间贫穷而悲剧的生活,然而他们彼此相爱,拥有快乐。Jimmy和他最好的朋友们找到了摆脱苦难人生的方法,参加赛车比赛,无意间成为了赛车比赛的英雄。他们没想到竟然成为了日后最赚钱运动的第一个英雄。这部电影是一部讲述爱情友情的动作片。 乡村歌手Trey回到自己阔别已久的老家小镇上,回忆起在查利的理发店里第一次理发时的场景。为了获得某种鼓励,他决定再次走进理发店去找当年给过他指导的查利,却发现查利已经于不久前去世。 这是一个时代的故事,两位市区年轻的小伙子,他们母亲被当局带走后,于是他们开始努力的照料自己,寻求生存之路... 神秘外星细菌入侵小镇,受到感染的人会变成绿色怪物,人们只能选择离开家园 Athousandyearsagotheworldcompletelycollapsed.War,famine,andgreedkilledoffthehumanrace.Notmuchremainsexceptforthemutants,scum,androbo-people.Humanityisalong-lostnotion.Everyonemustkilltosurvive.EvenSanta. 在深层宇宙空间,两艘敌对的宇宙拾荒者飞船发生小规模战斗。杰克(肖恩·派特里克·弗兰纳里 Sean Patrick Flanery 饰)率领的排水沟号和维克(罗克·克里切洛 Roark Critchlow 饰)率领的启示者号围绕维克刚刚得手的混沌发生器,展开了激烈的角逐。或许,启示者号上的美丽女子爱默生(露易丝·林顿 Louise Linton 饰)也是这两个曾经并肩闯荡全宇宙的男人反目成仇的重要原因。好不容易从排水沟号的猛烈炮火中逃脱,维克一方很快发现了混沌发生器的强大威力,这个来自外星人的高科技产物足以摧毁全宇宙的平衡。漫无边际的旅程,排水沟号和启示者号宿命的对决即将上演…… Leslie Easterbrook plays the lead role of 'Mother Maggie', a disturbed mother of four who delivers an unimaginable level of abuse to her children while defending her actions with her own twisted interpretations of the Bible. Three daughters live in constant fear of being beaten and abused by their mentally disturbed mother. Escaping the wrath of their mother seems impossible and proves to be deadly. Based on a true story, The Afflicted takes you inside the lives of those who live in constant fear with no escape. Julia Query, activist, comedian, lesbian and stripper at a club called the Lusty Lady, put in long hours on stage and in the peep booth along with fellow exotic dancers Decadence, Lolita and Octopussy. But when faced with no sick leave, unfair demotions, safely and privacy concerns, and racial discrimination, Query and her co-workers decide to organize and unionize the exotic dancers of the Lusty Lady. 这部电影是通过他11岁女儿的眼睛描绘的一个患有双相情感障碍的男人的肖像。这张照片变成了一场苦乐参半的冒险,两个非传统的英雄走上了天真和粗鲁的道路。