一次大胆的生死任务——三个英国间谍被派到阿姆斯特丹,他们要在纳粹入侵迫近前竭尽所能的带走全城的钻石!不过在炸弹的狂轰乱炸下,他们能平安逃离这乱世回到祖国吗? 【译制出品】上海电影制片厂(1956)【配音演员】林彬潘康富润生中叔皇程之于鼎尚华杨文元张同凝 Detstvo Gorkogo (The Childhood of Maxim Gorky) - 1938 Directed by Mark Donskoy G. Shenotinnik A Review By Ollie The Childhood of Maxim Gorky, tells the story of Aleksei Peshkov a 12 year old boy, living in 19th Century Russia, who would later be known as Maxim Gorky, possibly Russia's most famous and celebrated novelist and dramatist. Made in 1938, the film is based on Gorky's autobiography `My Childhood', and is rich and powerful film which will capture your attention from the beginning. Naturally, being made in 1938, the film is in black and white, although the story is so colourful and vibrant, with characters so alive, you would be forgiven for thinking the film was made much later. It definitely does not feel almost 65 years old. Aleksei Lyarsky, who plays Gorky, is instantly likeable as the young protagonist. Capable of portraying emotions far beyond his years, he works superbly alongside a cast of commanding and believable proportion. There is an almost Dickensian feel to some of the characters. While desperately sad, and easy to sympathise with, the Grandfather has an ineffable quality, both humorous and self pitying. In stark contrast, Maxim's Grandmother is a simple woman, one of goodness and truth, representing all that is beautiful in the optimism of the poverty in which they live. This film is more than an autobiographical look at one person's life. It is a peek through the windows of a time long since passed, a history lesson and above all a lesson in life, love and friendship. This is probably the most definitive coming of age drama I have seen, with more authority and gravitas than Truffaut managed in the much acclaimed `400 Blows'. There are several scenes which stand out. From a simple act of kindness from Maxim, when he gives a crippled boy his pet mouse, to Gorky and his friends sitting around a fire dreaming of a Utopian Neverland; from his Grandfathers almost comedic reactions to their ever increasing poverty, to the tears of his Grandmother as he hands her a coin. This is a rich and immensely strong film, advanced well beyond it's years, which holds it's own exceptionally well nearly 65 years later. This film will leave an indelible mark on your memory, if only from the simplicity of the tale it tells. It is, without doubt, pure cinematic poetry. A piece of film history which everyone would do well to try and see -it will not disappoint. An extremely well earned 10/10! 安东(Ilya Antonenko 饰)一直将街舞这项运动视作自己的毕生理想,可是,在一场意外中,他失去了听力,一位舞者,比失去双腿更可怕的就是失去听力了。生理上的残疾让他不得不退出舞台。这一重打打击让安东一下子就跌入了生活的最低谷,在他最堕落的时候,一个美丽善良的女孩出现在了他的生命里,这个女孩让安东重新拾起了生活的希望。 既然无法听见来自外部的音乐,安东开始学习如何聆听来自内心的音乐,不仅如此,他还开始教和他一样失聪的孩子们跳街舞,并且设计出了适合失聪者学习的舞步。安东希望能够带领着他的孩子们参加俄罗斯锦标赛。 本片根据纽约市的英籍神经医师奥利佛·萨克斯(OliverSacks)的同名回忆录改编。1969年,羞怯内向但对实验充满热忱的脑科医生马尔科姆·塞尔(罗宾·威廉姆斯RobinWilliams饰)来到纽约市布朗克斯区一家医院,对院内的强直性昏厥证患者进行治疗。在护士埃莉诺(朱莉·卡夫娜JulieKavner饰)的帮助和鼓励下,塞尔医生对病人大胆用药,使一群昏厥几十年的患者重获新生,尤其对患者伦纳德·洛(罗伯特·德尼罗RobertDeNiro)效果尤为明显。但令人意外的是,患者们在苏醒后不久,又纷纷出现了病情恶化的趋势……本片获奥斯卡最佳影片、最佳男主角(罗伯特·德尼罗)和最佳改编剧本奖提名,并获金球奖剧情类影片最佳男主角提名(罗宾·威廉姆斯)。 根据斯泰纳姆同名自传改编,将聚焦她如何从一名普通记者成为美国女权运动的先驱。 一群在网路上相识的网友,相约要去野外露营,却因一场突如其来的意外被迫在森林裡一间废弃小木屋裡过夜。在看似已成废墟的小木屋内,他们无意间找到一台神秘的底片相机,竟发现这台相机可以预知他们的死亡惨样!随著一连串骇人听闻的灾难发生,当同伴们一一死去,剩下的人必须尽快解开相机之谜,却发现更惨不忍睹的死亡在迎接著他们…… 迈克尔是一名医院的看门人,他和他的妻子埃斯特住在一起,一家人和睦且平静。然而意想不到的事发生了:儿子的去世打破了他们世界原有的平静,使迈克尔和斯特尔陷入了深深地痛苦之中。更可怜的是,妻子在儿子死后陷入了抑郁。看着妻子一天天消沉与痛苦,迈克尔愿意尽他所能去拯救斯特尔,甚至是选择走上了不法的犯罪道路。 1940年的英国战争不断,每天都有敌军的空袭轰炸,但比满目疮痍伦敦更残破的是人民绝望的心,面对未知的生命无常,电影成了唯一的心灵慰藉。资讯局电影部想要提升国家士气和民心,开始拍摄政治宣传电影,为了增加电影中的女性观点,原本从事广告文案的凯瑟琳(杰玛·阿特登 饰)被邀请加入编剧小组,和主编巴克利(山姆·克拉弗林 饰)一起编写歌颂英国人在敦刻尔克行动中英勇事迹的剧本。大男人的巴克利遇上温柔的凯瑟琳,挖苦彼此的对白、斗嘴不断,但随着两人一起经历疯狂赶戏和剧本,默契和爱苗都悄悄滋长。然而战事持续恶化,电影拍摄也面临困境,凯瑟琳还要面对自己已婚的事实⋯⋯ On the night of his untimely and mysterious death in post Civil War New Orleans, world chess champion PAUL MORPHY'S exciting and tortured life is reviewed. Known as the greatest chess player in the modern era, Morphy was a multidimensional genius prodigy. 亚瑟国王死后,卡米洛特陷入了黑暗之中。现在,他残忍的魔女姐姐摩根亚的统治开始了。她指挥着三条致命的龙,追捕剩下的圆桌骑士。 该剧由《浴血黑帮》编剧斯蒂文·奈特担任制作人,弗朗西斯·劳伦斯([红雀])执导,奈特与劳伦斯共同操刀剧本。剧集讲述在未来的世界,人类失去了视力,社会必须找到新的方式来交流互动、捕猎与生存。一对有视力的双胞胎诞生,所有这一切都受到挑战。莫玛将饰演一个无所畏惧的战士、领导者和守护人。 With ruthless US and Japanese investment banks circling Tuftons, a struggling two-hundred-year-old, family-run British bank, can its bumbling, incompetent chairman, Sir Charles Bunbury, fend off the onslaught and save the bank? 一个往常的日子里,医生像平常一样打开了他办公室的门,很快他发现了一丝不妥……一低头,医生竟然在他办公室里发现了尸体!在仔细观察了死者的脸之后,倒霉的医生很快意识到,自己这次遇上了大事件——死者是他曾医治过的病人,而这个病人是一个社会名流。现在,这个“知名的尸体”正躺在他的屋子里,头号嫌疑犯显然就是自己!成为了头号嫌疑犯的可怜医生,为了洗脱自己的嫌疑,决定展开一系列的调查…… 米切尔·拉西尼(Michel Racine)是一位令人畏惧的刑事法庭的法官。在一次审判中,蒂特·罗兰森克特雷(Ditte Lorensen-Coteret)被选中为陪审团成员,米切尔发现她正是六年前照顾过自己的医生,而这六年中自己始终没能忘却她...