一伙记者去报道一个试验性社区的揭幕仪式,这个社区中的大部分工作都交由一种刚研发出来的原型机器人来干。一开始机器人们都能很好地工作,与人和谐相处,甚至还能与人一起娱乐,但不久,其中一个发生异常,并迅速传给了其他机器人,随后局势全部失控,机器人对人们开始了血腥大屠杀,这伙记者发现他们要做的不是报告故障,而是要血海求生。 Zombie Honeymoon is a romantic horror film about a young married couple, madly in love, on their honeymoon. One day on the beach, the groom Danny is attacked and killed by a man who rises up out of the water with no explanation, leaps on top of him, and vomits blood into his mouth. Danny is resuscitated ten minutes later, and seems to look and act totally normal. However, his wife Denise finds out that that's not the case at all. It turns out that Danny has become a zombie. However, instead of becoming a "Night Of The Living Dead"-style creature right off the bat, he disintegrates gradually, in a manner akin to cancer or AIDS. He and his wife Denise do their best to cope with his slipping away, not to mention the fact that he can't stop killing and eating people. As their best friends arrive for a weekend visit, she makes him promise her that they're off-limits. He agrees, but finds it more and more difficult to control himself. She hangs in there because he's the love of her life, but it becomes more and more apparent that her life is in jeopardy as well.