A male chauvinist guru guides his best prodigy through the art of controlling women, only for the student to find out he is not everything that he seems. 在邻里发生的一场悲剧后,两个处于青春期的兄弟面对着变化的兄弟情,自然的神秘莫测,以及他们终有一死的现实。该片通过扭曲的青少年视角来探究美国乡村生活。 Mackenzie Crook and Johnny Vegas star as the bird-chasing, self-proclaimed "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid" of Birmingham in this £3 million brit-com about two lowlifes with active fantasy sex lives who deliver potatoes to various restaurants and grocers. 由埃文•蕾切尔•伍德主演的电影《赤足》,讲述了一个整日游手好闲的公子哥,四处欠债,直至仇家找上门,突然一个精灵般习惯光着脚的女孩的出现,使他的生活发生巨变,开始正视自己对的人生..... A 'mockumentary' about David Moore, the filmmaker who first dreamed of "sharks in a tornado" and brought on disaster by using real sharks. The first SHARKNADO was to be a movie never seen, a crime never reported, a tale never told. Until now. Matt是著名魔法世家的帅气男法师,也是个商人。根据魔法传统,他即将于好友Lizzie结婚。两人单身,所以并不怎么介意,顺着家长的意愿订下婚约。在一个派对上,Matt遇见心理医生Sara。第二天,Matt发现自己控制不住自己的魔法,而Sara也渐渐发现自己有了魔法。一场搞笑的魔法喜剧即将上演。 纪录片剧组跟随着一个家庭拍摄,这个家庭濒临失去一切的边缘…… Dogs go and do singing and stuff. EMPOWERING. 加州海岸一直都存在着两只巨大史前海洋生物,他们为了取得海洋的霸主地位而争斗了数百年,直到有一天他们被冰河所冻结。近年来,随着气温的升高,这两只史前生物又复活了,他们在海洋中依然为所欲为,人类的生存受到了威胁,人类必须要解决这样的危机,一场人与史前生物的惨烈争斗开始了。 本系列片分两集,向我们展示了我们的祖先智人,如何在与直立人和尼安德特人的生存竞争中取得成功的过程。在并不遥远的过去,人类的祖先是与其他原始人类物种共同生活在地球上的。本系列节目将向观众展示人类克服巨大困难,最终得以幸存的全过程。 这部电影改编自美国著名的橄榄球好手厄尼·戴维斯(Ernie Davis)的生平,他是第一位获得美国大学橄榄球联盟最高奖项海斯曼奖(Heisman Trophy,相当于最有价值球员)的非裔美国人。他在1960和1961年带领锡拉丘兹大学橄榄球队两次获得全国冠军。但他毕业后,未能参加职业橄榄球比赛,因为他被诊断出患有白血病,第二年他就遗憾地告别了人世。 Zombie Honeymoon is a romantic horror film about a young married couple, madly in love, on their honeymoon. One day on the beach, the groom Danny is attacked and killed by a man who rises up out of the water with no explanation, leaps on top of him, and vomits blood into his mouth. Danny is resuscitated ten minutes later, and seems to look and act totally normal. However, his wife Denise finds out that that's not the case at all. It turns out that Danny has become a zombie. However, instead of becoming a "Night Of The Living Dead"-style creature right off the bat, he disintegrates gradually, in a manner akin to cancer or AIDS. He and his wife Denise do their best to cope with his slipping away, not to mention the fact that he can't stop killing and eating people. As their best friends arrive for a weekend visit, she makes him promise her that they're off-limits. He agrees, but finds it more and more difficult to control himself. She hangs in there because he's the love of her life, but it becomes more and more apparent that her life is in jeopardy as well. 性感美艳的索女贝丝以持械行劫为职业,办事又快又狠,加上敢作敢为的拍 档潘劳,和处变不惊的首领保罗,形成无敌铁三角,三人的关系纠缠不清,终日沉沦毒品、暴力、情欲,这位索女偶尔在酒吧结识善良正义的小学教师亚伦,一 切似乎开始转变,但江湖仇杀令她醒觉,回归平淡只是一场梦…… 艾力比高中士,是一个天生的赌徒,虽然他的正职是巴达基地的机动车组主管,但其暗地里在兵营从事赌业。长期以来,两种身分毫无冲突,但有一日,已荣升为少校的仇家霍高连突然来基地举行检阅及核点帐目,而一向帐目不清的比高今次如何化解这场挑战,且看他的赌运如何? 主人公山姆(克里斯·卡马克 Chris Carmack 饰)有着沉重的过去,一场大火让他的家庭支离破碎,妹妹珍妮(蕾切尔·敏纳 Rachel Miner 饰)也由于自己的失误葬生火海。成年后的山姆在偶然间发现自己拥有了能够穿越时空的超能力,他利用自己的能力回到了火灾现场,虽然救出了珍妮,但是本该逃生的父母却死于火灾。改变了过去后,山姆和珍妮相依为命,山姆结交了女友丽贝卡(Mia Serafino 饰),可是没多久,惨剧再次发生,丽贝卡死于一场谋杀,而山姆的朋友朗尼(Richard Thorne 饰)则被警方当做真凶逮捕判刑。丽贝卡的妹妹伊丽莎白(莎拉·哈贝尔 Sarah Habel 饰)觉得事有可疑,他拜托山姆穿越回丽贝卡被杀害的那一天,找出真凶。 一次次的穿越让时间线索变得面目全非,本该死的人活着,本该清白的人却背上的罪名,唯一不变的,是所有亲近他的女性都会惨遭杀害。随着真相的渐渐明朗,一个另山姆意想不到的身影出现在了本不属于他的时空中。