A Bit of Fry & Laurie was a British television sketch comedy show, starring and written by Stephen Fry and Hugh Laurie, broadcast by the BBC between 1989 and 1995. Running for four series, it totalled 26 episodes (including a 35 minute special in 1987). Series four (1995) [edit]Episode 1 Guests: John Bird, Jane Booker Sketches: Grey and Hopeless Guests Introduction Blame Charter Jane’s Poem (NOTE: Script appeared in first script book as Stephen’s Poem, but the poem is the same, except the line about his wife dying is changed to Jane’s grandfather being murdered.) Smell All We Gotta’ Do (song; Laurie performed this song when he hosted "Saturday Night Live" in 2006) Channel Changer Wonderful Life Cocktail Ending: Golden Meteorite [edit]Episode 2 Guests: Fiona Gillies, Kevin McNally Sketches: Dog Hamper Hugh’s Bandage Child Abuse Guests Introduction Going for Gold I’m in love with Steffi Graf (song) Lovers’ Helper Fascion Avenger Operational Criteria Cocktail Ending: Long, Confident Suck [edit]Episode 3 Guests: Imelda Staunton, Clive Mantle Sketches: Vox Pops Guests Introduction Barman Interruptus Little Girl (song) Making Tea For Some Reason Angry Don’t Be Dirty Cocktail Ending: South Seas Vulvic Wart [edit]Episode 4 Guests: Caroline Quentin, Patrick Barlow Sketches: Good Evening Guests Introduction Soccer School Dalliard: Models Hugh Interviewing Guests The polite rap (song) Head Gardener Gelliant Gutfright("Flowers For Wendy") Cocktail Ending: A Quick One With You, Stephen [edit]Episode 5 Guests: Phyllida Law, Stephen Moore Sketches: Oprah Winfrey Guests Introduction Grand Prix Tribunal Red and Shiny Pooch Disgusting Wasps Cocktail Ending: Swinging Ballsack [edit]Episode 6 Guests: None Sketches: Stolen Money Young Tory of the Year Variety Gossiping Heads Death Threat What I Mind (Misunderstood) (Song) Honda The Duke of Northampton Cocktail Ending: Silver Prostate [edit]Episode 7 Guests: Janine Duvitski, Robert Daws Sketches: Guests Introduction Religianto Consent Sophisticated Song (song) Fast Monologue Telephone Alert Truancy Cocktail Ending: A Modern Britain Fleeing from the twin horrors of prospective marriage and the baleful Aunt Agatha, Bertie sails to New York with Jeeves, where he hopes to lie low but instead he is charged with minding the ultra-shy mother’s boy Wilmot, son of Lady Malvern, and showing him the high life. Oddly enough Wilmot takes only too well to the night-spots of Manhattan, wearing Bertie out in the process. Tuppy Glossop also arrives, to talk about car exportation with wealthy businessman Mr. Stoker. Unfortunately Tupper’s business plan is nowhere near as lofty as it should be. Romantic entanglements are complicated by a unique silver cow creamer that is desired by both Bertie’s Uncle Thomas and his rival, Judge Sir Watkyn Bassett. Sir Watkyn purchases the creamer by telling the shopkeeper, falsely, that Thomas had sent him. Bertie’s Aunt Dahlia and friend "Stiffy" Byng both want him to steal the creamer for different reasons, but Judge Sir Watkyn has already sentenced him once (for stealing a bobby’s helmet) and he doesn’t want to go to jail. 《糟糕历史》是CBBC出品的一档儿童节目,但吸引到了各个年龄段的观众。该节目用喜剧的视角向观众朋友们展示历史上最囧的一面,涉及到古希腊、古罗马、阿兹特克、印加、世界大战以及英国历史上各王朝等,内容丰富,寓教于乐。几位演员可谓全才,对各种类型的角色的塑造堪称经典,并且能歌善舞。《糟糕历史》中的歌舞桥段,可谓一大看点。总之,一句话形容,就是“外表荒诞无节操,内心高洁学问高”。《糟糕历史》欢迎你的收看!《糟糕历史》电视系列将在第五季播出后完结。 继2012年第一季播出大获好评后,意大利宗教科幻电视剧《第十三位使徒》2014年推出第二季《启示录》。 SkyOne宣布续订《#穷友记#Brassic》第二季。 小说家StéphaneBelcourt同意成为一款著名白兰地两百周年庆典的品牌大使,多年来第一次回到家乡。在那里,他遇到了初恋的儿子卢卡斯。回忆涌向了他:无法抑制的吸引力,身体在欲望的热量中融为一体,一种永远无法透露的激情……他初恋的名字叫托马斯。那时他们17岁。 Season2seesAlex(AllyXue),Jamie(JJFong),Pip(PerlinaLau)andmalesurvivorBobby(JayRyan)fleeingruralHiroValleyandgoingonanepicroadtriptobringWellnesscultleaderLane(TandiWright)tojusticeanduncoverthetruthaboutthe‘mandemic.’ NachofleestheviolenceofhishomeinBuenosAiresandlooksforahomeundertheprotectionofhisfather,arancherwithwhomhebarelyhasarelationship.Nachowillhavetofighttounderstandhisplaceasapatron. 故事讲述17世纪中期,丹麦国王弗雷德里克五世宣布日德兰岛的野生荒地应被驯化、耕种、殖民化,以便文明可以传播,为王室带来新税收。但没有人敢去这片荒蛮土地,直到名叫路德维格·卡伦的士兵站了出来。 JohnnyDowstrugglestomakealivingathissmalltowngasstationbychargingmotoriststoseetheelectricguitarusedbyhislatefatheraone-hit,rockandrollwonder.Legendhasittheguitarwascarvedintheshapeofadragon’sheadandmadeinpartfromanancientspearhisfatherfoundinthecraterofashootingstar.WhenJohnny’sfriendEddiestumblesupontheotherhalfofthespearhereleasesanancientdemonhungryforpoweranddestruction.MikaabeautifulChinesewarriorwhoholdsthesecrettofightingEddieandhisarmyofkungfu,sugar-cravingwarriorsrevealstoJohnnythattheonlywaytostoptheevilspiritistousethefirsthalfofthespear-thedragononJohnny’sguitar!TogetherJohnnyandMikasetouttofightEddieandhisarmy,reunitethetwohalvesofthespear,restorepeacetothetownand-ofcourse-savetheworld! 比利时一家少管所,16岁男孩乔正为重返社会做准备,他不确定铁丝网的另一端会是怎样。但当另一个男孩威廉搬进隔壁房间后,对自由的渴望变得不再迫切。他们一起纹身、打闹、嘻哈,就像形影不离的兄弟。两个被外部世界放弃的年轻人找到了彼此,并且孕育出毫不妥协的爱情观:高墙之后,激情永远比自由更重要…… 主人公威尔弗里德·威尔斯是第二次世界大战初期安弗尔的一名警官。当时,镇上发生了暴力示威活动,人们普遍对他不信任,但威尔弗里德却竭尽全力避免麻烦。他得到了一个名叫"卑鄙的胡子"的德国占领军的支持,同时也是他的同事、激烈反纳粹的洛德的知己,洛德还是他未婚妻伊薇特的哥哥。威尔弗雷德必须为生存而战,而纳粹的占领和对犹太人的灭绝正日益成为压迫性的现实。 琳达的妈妈冤枉琳达偷了戒指,为了弥补琳达,她得在所有商店都罢工的日子给琳达做一盘黑椒鸡肉。这是一部法国出品的小众独立动画电影,导演塞巴斯蒂安·劳德巴克和基亚拉·梅尔特在2020年合作短片后的二度携手,用抽象的画风讲述现实家庭的矛盾、母女间真挚的感情和由一只鸡引起的街道混乱。简单的手绘风糅合了浓墨重彩的渲染,呈现出惊人又温馨的艺术感染力,让每一帧画面看上去都如一幅优美的现代派画作。入选2023年戛纳电影节“独立电影及发行商联合会”平行单元。