「围绕四位年轻人之间可爱的关系,将触动整个暹罗广场的心」的可爱噱头氛围引入现时发生的流行文化,美甲已不仅仅是普通的绘画,它可以创建无限的图案,并成为青少年表达不受性別限制的领域之一。剧情讲述关于爱和人际关系的故事,也包含了关于成长、学习促使四位角色的改变。高中生Fourmod经常受到Gel Nail Boy Chian的邀请,以在暹罗广场(Siam Square)完成指甲,这使Fourmod跌倒了。但是,他后来意识到,当他发现Chian还邀请Luk Khrueng Tiktoker Bua将指甲一起完成时,他将被保留下来。为了使chian嫉妒,Fourmod决定使用他的密友Babin做同样的事情。
Lucjan is a theatre actor whose health is failing. He forgets his lines on stage and feels confused and out of place in his daily life. He decides to end his acting career and soon winds up in a nursing home. In this new place, the elderly man misses his late wife. He starts having nightmares that seem to become real. In one of them, he discovers a passage into a magical world deceptively similar to his theatre. Lucjan starts living in two parallel dimensions – real life and the fairy tale – that become increasingly dependent on each other and intertwined. His immersion in the imaginary world leads to an unexpected ending. A bittersweet treatise on passing. The fairy-tale world Lucjan creates is not so much a metaphor for death as a symbolic reconciliation to its coming.