The young Gascon D'Artagnan arrives in Paris, his heart set on joining the king's Musketeers. He is taken under the wings of three of the most respected and feared Musketeers, Porthos, Aramis, and Athos. Together they fight to save France and the honor of a lady from the machinations of the powerful Cardinal Richelieu. Antoinehasjustreturnedtohishometown,wherehereuniteswithhisformerloverandthemotheroftheirlittlegirl,Elsa,whomhehasnevermet.AnunexpectedturnofeventsleavesAntoinesuddenlyalonetotakecareofElsa. Danny Greene is just like every sixteen-year-old kid...except that a secret splinter group of the CIA wants him dead. Danny Greene is running for his life. Enter Danny's father, an ex-Greene Beret equipped with a rag-tag bunch of urban guerillas and an entire arsenal of weaponry. But can five former commandos defeat the largest, most thorough network of government-sanction assassins in the world? In this high-stakes world, before the case even gets to trial, someone's already called the Hangmen. 某大学计算机学家在一个女子爱上另一位知名教授前,能够使用他的交互式计算机让她喜欢上自己吗? Annette Haven, dans le rôle de la plus sensuelle de sa carrière, de retour de l'enterrement de sa très riche et éminent mari. La veuve, accompagnée de sa famille, avocat, parle de l'anormal a quitté son mari. Pour hériter de tous les avantages de cette «aura parlé", il est nécessaire que la veuve tous connu l'expérience de l'activité sexuelle! L'expérience fonctionne, ce que les adultes à partir des critiques appellent «la plus grande scène de masturbation jamais tourné en film pour adulte". Elle suce, baise et ses passions à travers un syndicat après l'autre - y compris une scène avec le seul vrai Hermaphrodite (une femme avec un pénis et d'un (more) Returning from the funeral of her very wealthy and prominent husband, the widow, accompanied by her family attorney, discusses the unusual will her husband has left. In order to inherit the full benefits of this "spoken will" it is required that the widow experience every known sexual activity. Through these outrageous activities, possibly her frigidity will fade, and a truly loving woman will be unleashed. The experiment works! In one sexually explicit act after another, the widow wins the inheritance and her complete sexual freedom! Written by Anonymous 此部动作冒险片,带有「印地安纳琼斯」系列电影的风格。洁西(莎朗史东 饰)的父亲是一名考古学家,在一次前往非洲的考古探险中,被一名土耳其人(约翰雷斯戴维斯 饰)与一名德国上校(赫伯隆姆 饰)绑架,他们俩企图从顽固的考古学家的口中,逼问出所罗门王宝藏的藏匿地点。为了找回失踪父亲的下落,洁西向冒险家艾伦(李察张伯伦 饰,)求助,于是两人启程前往未知的非洲大陆。接下来,他们要面对的不仅是凶猛的鳄鱼、狮子,还有一群心狠手辣的人类…此部带有异国风味的冒险电影,是动作片名导杰李汤姆逊的作品,他另有「六壮士」、「恐怖角」等代表作。 此部动作冒险片,带有「印地安纳琼斯」系列电影的风格。洁西(莎朗史东 饰)的父亲是一名考古学家,在一次前往非洲的考古探险中,被一名土耳其人(约翰雷斯戴维斯 饰)与一名德国上校(赫伯隆姆 饰)绑架,他们俩企图从顽固的考古学家的口中,逼问出所罗门王宝藏的藏匿地点。为了找回失踪父亲的下落,洁西向冒险家艾伦(李察张伯伦 饰,)求助,于是两人启程前往未知的非洲大陆。接下来,他们要面对的不仅是凶猛的鳄鱼、狮子,还有一群心狠手辣的人类…此部带有异国风味的冒险电影,是动作片名导杰李汤姆逊的作品,他另有「六壮士」、「恐怖角」等代表作。 八岁那年,凯特琳在灯塔改造的家中发现母亲被谋杀身亡。尽管在动机不明的情况下,凯特琳的父亲克里斯以凶手之名被逮捕,这个不幸让克里斯发狂,也让凯特琳搬离家乡。二十年后,建商买下那栋荒废的灯塔,凯特琳却发现建商陆续失踪,原来,祖父曾经在此留下一个家族秘密,而凯特琳唯有找出真相,才能阻止更多不幸的发生。 埃迪·帕克,一个美国蓝领,和老婆特雷西及他12岁的儿子在赌城拉斯维加斯的郊区过活。作为一个狂热的赌徒,埃迪从来没有大大的赚他一笔。而另一面,特雷西就像打理她沙漠里的小小花园一样,费心经营着她濒临破碎的家。此刻,一个神秘的陌生人出现了。他声称他们可以帮他们家庭走出困境…… 《拉斯维加斯:真人真事》的导演是伊朗人阿米尔·纳德利。他近20年来一直住在美国。本片里他尝试用经常在艺术片里使用的中长距离拍摄手法来讲述一个非常通俗非常白烂的商业故事。一旦观众捱过电影开头的几分钟,熟悉了影片的拍摄手法,那么他们就会发现,这个故事还是很好看的。 《拉斯维加斯》一片的商业操作手法能给很多人上一课:这部影片主题相当美国化,也就是说,相当通俗;同时采用了实验式中距离拍摄手法。 Josh Fosse is a 20something guy whose life is going nowhere. His girl left, his rent is late, and he lacks a real job. He is trying to make it as an app reviewer online and decides to review a self help app called i-Lived for fun. He's signs on and immediately his life turns around. He meets the girl of his dreams and he gets a job offer he can't refuse. Convinced it's him and not the app, he signs out... and loses everything. He signs on again but this time the terms are different, the app is asking him to do things that are out of his moral comfort zone... but essential to becoming the success the app tells him he can be. Noah原本有着一个美好的家庭,一个相爱的妻子,他们规划着属于两个人的未来。然而不安于现状的Noah却因失误造成了妻子的离世,这让他伤心愧疚不已,无法挽回的爱情,无法弥补的伤害让他决意离开现在的生活。他在一个叫做“迷雾湖泊”的地方租了一间小屋,决定开始与世隔绝的生活,初次来到这里,他感到十分宁静,这里没有城市的嘈杂,没有旁人的干扰,他独自思考着自己的人生。然而,不可思议的恐怖事件毫无预告的发生了,危险也随之降临…… Riley Thomas (Abigail Hawk) is a rising star at one of the world's most noted holding companies. With Christmas fast approaching, she is sent to the small town of Chestnut, Vermont to evaluate the assets of one of their companies, an outerwear clothing manufacturer. As she begins making plans for liquidation, she hires the company's founder, Nick (Howard Hesseman)-now retired-as her apprentice to help. Of course, everyone assumes she's there to save the company and she keeps her true motives a secret. In the process, she comes to appreciate what the company means to the small town; and she falls in love with its youthful CEO, Wyatt (David O'Donnell). She slowly comes to embrace the small town's values and even helps create a new product line just in time for Christmas. As her priorities change and her love grows, will Riley be able to stand up to her boss, Preston Bullock (Chevy Chase) and save the company she was supposed to destroy? 雙胞胎姊妹之一被謀殺了,頭號嫌犯:存活下來的那位姊妹,試著要拼湊她遺忘的記憶,趕緊結束這煩人事,心靈相通也許是解決問題的好方法… 1994年6月,历史上最残酷的大规模屠杀事件发生在新英格兰北部的边远地区。四个月后,历史重演了。夏天结束时,一群好朋友们自豪地称呼新罕布什尔州为家,这是成年的标志。但是当他们开始当地的礼仪仪式-旅行到北方,最后一个周末的放荡生活-这可能是他们最后的周末时期,因为这一仪式注定要发生可怕的事情,他们发现自己陷入了一个挣扎求生的斗争中…… 女医生Babara(尼娜·霍斯NinaHoss饰)因为企图从民主德国逃到联邦德国未遂,而被从柏林调遣到一所乡村医院工作,一开始她根本不和周围的人来往,直到医生Andre(隆纳德·泽荷菲德RonaldZehrfeld饰)主动和她接近。医院里新送来一名女孩Stella,得的是脑膜炎,在Babara的细心呵护下逐渐康复。女孩却又因为怀孕了而被送去东德的劳教所。而另一方面,Babara在男友的帮助下积极准备下一次逃亡计划。虽然她还要不时地遭到东德警察的搜查,但是她隐藏得无懈可击。医院里又送来一名自杀未遂的男病人,Babara认为他需要动手术。Andre决定在周六晚上对这名病人进行手术,需要Babara的协助,而周六晚上正是Babara要进行逃亡计划的时间。正在她准备离开家的时候,Stella从劳教所逃出来找到了她.......导演ChristianPetzold凭借此片获得2012柏林电影节最佳导演银熊奖。