改写银河历史,古代绝地传说揭晓。他们将登陆探索遥远的银河系边缘…… 少年林动为寻吞噬祖符下落,深入大荒古碑,不断潜心修炼,终于迎来族比之战… 面对将父亲打成废人、对自己痛下狠手的对手林氏天才林琅天,林动心中屈辱难平,亟待雪耻逆袭! 一对夫妇搬到小镇居住,有人擅自闯入他们的家。妻子自此疑神疑鬼,似乎身边所有人都是另有图谋。 Follows Morgan, a single mother of three with a brilliant mind, as she rearranges some evidence during her shift as a cleaner for the police department, aiding in the resolution of an unsolvable case. Witness protection is often glamorised as keeping innocent witnesses safe from harm but the truth is darker, murkier, and far more complex. Many protected people are themselves criminals. It’s a life of moral compromise. It also involves maximum secrecy, false identities, and a world where you can’t trust your own colleagues.Based on the first-hand experiences of a long serving witness protection officer, Protection is about what happens when the system breaks down. It’s about a police officer, Detective Inspector Liz Nyles (Siobhan Finneran), who finds herself at the heart of such a breach; personally compromised by an affair with a colleague, but determined to fight back, and uncover the true source of corruption within her unit. To redeem herself, the reputation of her lover, and to keep her witnesses safe. Even if they don’t always deserve it.Navigating the morally-grey, clandestine world of witness protection, Liz’s mission to find the truth will take her deep into the heart of the criminal underbelly and beyond as she becomes more and more torn between caring for her family, her loyalty to her lover and her duty as a police officer. This is the story of a smart, tough cop, out of her depth in a world where nothing is as it seems.With a deft narrative that engages from the outset, Kris Mrksa creates suspenseful twists and with every hairpin turn perfectly navigates the story to ensure the audience won’t know who to believe and who is telling the truth. 该剧改编自真实事件。1988年12月21日,伦敦飞往纽约的泛美航空103号班机遭遇恐怖袭击,造成259名乘客和机组人员丧生,另有11名洛克比当地居民死亡。Jim Swire博士(科林·费尔斯 Colin Firth 饰)的女儿也在洛克比空难中遇难,他被提名为英国受害者家属的发言人,竭尽全力调查空难真相。 改编自足立绅同名小说,年过40却依然不受欢迎的编剧、没有收入的废柴丈夫·柳田豪太由风间饰演,与吃软饭一样的丈夫和儿子一起维持生活、拒绝丈夫的邀请、还破口大骂的可怕妻子·柳田千花由MEGUMI饰演。令和7年的第一发,彻底惊呆,又笑又哭…讲述夫妇的痛快娱乐故事。 想过自己为何会单身吗?单身理由千百种,有人是因为爱抱怨,有人是因为太花心,也有人是因为太文青。但小琳(沛派琳丹拉帕彭饰)的理由竟是因为「看得到鬼」。被甩之后,她决定收拾心情、揹起行囊,一人踏上失恋疗伤之旅。小琳孤身前往泰北的丘媚潘步道疗伤,因此遇见小普(马力欧莫瑞尔饰演),这个在感情和工作方面双双受挫的鲁蛇编剧,为了寻找写鬼片剧本的灵感,想找看得到鬼的人帮忙,两个低潮的人意外相遇,并展开了一连串的冒险。 在里乔内的海滩度假时,一群少男少女成为朋友,他们相互帮助处理恋爱关系和夏季暗恋。 一个寡妇,甜美得像烧焦的依兰,周围都是被她迷住的男人:她的前夫、上流社会绅士、花心模特、好下属和前警察朋友。他们卷入了一起神秘的谋杀案,凶手可能比想象的更近。 我是Genlong,一个天生拥有美貌、财富和智慧的女人。我的一切都必须是完美的,尤其是我的另一半。没有什么能让我动摇,直到我遇到了我的童年朋友——一个像Aoey这样的天真幼稚的女孩,她小时候还曾传染给我头虱!为什么我会屈服于这样的女孩?也许是她那双甜美的眼睛让我分了心。我很懊恼,为什么会对我的挚友产生这种敏感的情感,而她还是个女孩!~~改编自Chao Planoy(เจ้าปลาน้อย).)的小说《伴侣》(Mate)I am Genlong, a woman born with beauty, wealth, and a big brain. Everything about me has to be perfect, especially my someone special. Nothing ever shook me, until I met my childhood friend, an innocent childish girl like Aoey who gave me lice when we were young. Why do I surrender to a girl like that? It could be those sweet eyes that distracted me. I was upset that I felt sensitive toward my close friend, and she is a girl!~~ Adapted from the novel"Mate" (Mate เพื่อนรัก) by Chao Planoy (เจ้าปลาน้อย). 故事发生在平安夜当天,在浓厚的圣诞气氛下,所有人都暂时放下手中的工作,享受和家人们团聚的喜悦。乔治(米歇尔·布朗MichelBlanc饰)似乎是这座城市里唯一一个还在工作的急症医生了,他接到了紧急的求救电话,风尘仆仆的赶往患者家中。哪知道在半路上,一个冒冒失失的送餐员马利克(HakimJemili饰)骑脚踏车撞到了他,虽然没受什么伤,却引发了乔治的老毛病——坐骨神经痛。无奈之下,马利克只得接替了乔治的职务,成为了临时医生赶往病人家,而乔治则在原地通过电话来告诉他如何治病。这次远程操控之下的治疗能否顺利进行呢? AjourneyfromSuphantotheKingdomofAyothayaofaboynamed"Kaew",hetravelswithhopetobeenlistedinthearmyinthetimeofwar,therehemeets"Pim",hisfirstlovewhoisnowengagedtoaperfectmancalled"Chang". 故事讲述一名惊慌失措的年轻女子和她的两名挚友千里迢迢飞到墨西哥,想要删掉当初在盛怒之下传给新男友的一封电邮。谁知她在抵达后竟巧遇前男友,他也因此被卷入这场疯狂计划!