斯隆·卡特是一个年轻的女孩,最近失去了视力。她的父亲周末离开,她的两个最好的朋友,从大学回家陪着她。她父亲的一个学生,经过镇子需要过夜。和平的周末被一个隐秘的危险打断了,乡村逃亡变成了一场为生存而战的战斗。 Sophia, a smart but quiet high schooler, strikes up a friendship with a new girl in class, but the girl begins to disrupt the lives of Sophia and her family. Sophia is then forced to uncover her friend's past and learn the truth before it's too late. 小女孩和他的哥哥认识了一只有趣的会说话的猴子,这只猴子在为成为一名真正的演员努力着 1863年,一群在冰雪中跋涉的旅行者召唤魔鬼,魔鬼给他们提供了一只飞行独木舟,让他们回家。当其中一人发现他的妻子死在劳动中,他与魔鬼又制定了一个条约来拯救他的妻子和他们刚出生的女儿莉莎。之后他通过牺牲自己来欺骗魔鬼。25年后,莉莎想嫁给她心爱的Jos,Jos去一个偏远的伐木场挣钱来挽救他的农场,而魔鬼决心毁了她的幸福。 一对陷入财务困境的夫妻发现GPS系统能找到被盗的金子,但是他们必须和一对神秘的旅行者合作,在冬天深入荒蛮之郊 一家银行遭遇抢劫,所有的证据都指向银行的老板和其客户,但随着FBI探员的深入调查,他们发现抢劫的背后有着更大的阴谋…… 雷·帕里什,一个可爱的小镇女孩,现在是著名的女演员,采取越来越极端的手段来保护自己的名声。提名里欧奖等7个奖项,为了来之不易的名利,一个女人要多狠有多狠。 聪明的杰克这次又闯祸了!继冰上曲棍球、滑板之后,这一回他坐错飞机来到科罗拉多,误打误撞来挑战最刺激的极速运动─滑雪。 在被白雪覆盖的科罗拉多这里,杰克被好心的小彼兄弟收留,并且开始接触滑雪、享受飙速的乐趣,小彼更热情邀请杰克和自己搭档参加滑雪竞赛。但是,出名的杰克却不小心引来坏人的觊觎,还假冒成杰克的家人企图把杰克带走,这次杰克能否平安回到家人身边呢? This is just a mini series. That sucks bad. This show is by far the most sexiest show on TV right know,It has girl on girl sex,guy on guy sex,girl on guy sex. The violence has more of a real aspect to it then the other crap cop shows like ncis/law and order..etc.. And its Canadian Support the Canadian film making folks. I'm very upset there is not a huge season of shows..I'm hoping however they come. I am hooked..Well I suppose I did not say enough there needs to be 10 lines on here for a review. I have this recorded on my pvr,I have been waiting for tonights episode since a week now...WOW...WOW...I have never seen the real life situations shown on TV like they do this show,I got it bad for the girl cop to..I want her to take me down.. This is just a meijubar.net mini series. That sucks bad. This show is by far the most sexiest show on TV right know,It has girl on girl sex,guy on guy sex,girl on guy sex. The violence has more of a real aspect to it then the other crap cop shows like ncis/law and order..etc.. And its Canadian Support the Canadian film making folks. I'm very upset there is not a huge season of shows..I'm hoping however they come. I am hooked..Well I suppose I did not say enough there needs to be 10 lines on here for a review. I have this recorded on my pvr,I have been waiting for tonights episode since a week now...WOW...WOW...I have never seen the real life situations shown on TV like they do this show,I got it bad for the girl cop to..I want her to take me down.. This is just a meijubar.net mini series. That sucks bad. This show is by far the most sexiest show on TV right know,It has girl on girl sex,guy on guy sex,girl on guy sex. The violence has more of a real aspect to it then the other crap cop shows like ncis/law and order..etc.. And its Canadian Support the Canadian film making folks. I'm very upset there is not a huge season of shows..I'm hoping however they come. I am hooked..Well I suppose I did not say enough there needs to be 10 lines on here for a review. I have this recorded on my pvr,I have been waiting for tonights episode since a week now...WOW...WOW...I have never seen the real life situations shown on TV like they do this show,I got it bad for the girl cop to..I want her to take me down.. 比利是一名警察,為了將功贖罪而自願參加臥底行動,他潛入青銅幫並成功成為幫派老大的得力助手。後來,幫派老大要比利綁架「三合會」老大的女兒,當作交易談判的籌碼,同時比利也得知女友懷孕。為了順利完成任務並回到女友身邊,比利必須在警方展開行動前,帶老大女兒安全逃離。然而比利的身分終究被識破,面對黑幫的眾多打手,比利能夠一一撂倒他們,成功逃出重重包圍嗎? JONAH, an unemployed gambler, takes his estranged pot-smoking teen-aged daughter AURORA on a dangerous road trip to Churchill, Manitoba to show her the magnificent Northern Lights - before her vision disorder renders her completely blind. 八岁印第安小孩“小树”,在双亲逝世后,被送至田纳西州的史莫基山,与祖父母同住。小树与住在深山中的祖父母展开了一段新生活,他的新生活充满了探索与冒险,有欢笑有泪水,当然有胜利与挫折。同时,小树也认识了不少好朋友,包括神秘的奇拉几族先知——“柳树”约翰。1930年的美国,虽然经济萧条,生活困苦,但是对小树来说,却是最难忘的时光。 十七岁的亚伦·史蒂文是一名高中生,当他像平常一样在树林里走路时,却将自己卷入了一件五百万美元的银行抢劫事件。 亚伦藏匿在独木舟下,偷听到强盗的谋杀事件的部分计画,在混乱中他将金钱偷走,并且逃到他认为最安全的地方躲藏─他的高中学校里,劫匪在锁定的学校搜寻他的踪影并且立誓要消灭证据。 亚伦发现自己被锁在学校里,他努力又绝望地让自己和他的老师生存下来,因为这个精神异常的抢匪准备杀了他们……