索耶是一名成绩优异且志向远大的大学生。在一次前往面试的路上,由于导航发生错误令她错误转弯,陷入肯塔基州森林深处无法离开。天色已暗,荒山野岭之中,索耶遇到了两个不怀好意的不法分子想要对她行不轨之事。危险之际,一个独居在森林里的男子洛威尔救下了索耶。索耶不得不与这个来路未知的陌生人结成联盟,誓死一搏。 Punk-rocker turned suburban mom, Kelly, is nostalgic for a life she can no longer have and uncertain of a future she doesn't yet fit in. Seventeen-year-old Cal is frustrated at his lack of control over the hand he's been dealt. When the two strike up an unlikely friendship, it's the perfect spark needed to thrust them both back to life.