一个年青人在父母不同的文化背景中交战。母亲是过着无休生活的俄罗斯人,父亲则是外冷内热,不想儿子受着恩宠长大的典型以色列人。那年青人在偶然机会遇上令他一见倾心的舞蹈才女,并带领他从舞蹈中化解家庭的文化差异。而他们的舞蹈老师亦从年青人身上学懂了战胜自己的心魔。 本片根据契诃夫的同名短篇小说改编。安娜为了改变命运,减轻家里的负担,嫁给了一个有钱但是年老丑陋的丈夫,一开始她受丈夫控制,而后来她从被丈夫“挂在脖子上”变得可以在家、在社交场上随心所欲,但是她也从一个淳朴的少女逐渐被金钱社会腐蚀成一个虚荣、庸俗、冷酷的女人。 Channel NewsAsia's award-winning investigative series returns for a fourth season as we go undercover to expose the secret underbelly of Asia. Through in-depth, hard-hitting documentaries, we explore stories of crime, violence and injustice. This season, we track down mistress busters in China, expose a gang of vigilantes out to bust the drug trade in Myanmar and investigate an epidemic of elderly deaths in Japan. Find out the untold stories lurking within the hidden fabric of our own societies. Desperate to experience true emotion, a young woman, CARYS, regularly attends the funerals of strangers. But she's unprepared for the secrets she must keep and the lies she must tell when, at one fateful wake, she falls for TYLER, who is mourning his fiancée. As Carys allows herself to experience love for the first time, she begins to fear that perhaps her fascination with death might lead to her own untimely demise... A lovable dog named Bandit starts stealing cash to help his adopted family, he unwittingly sets them on a collision course with his dangerous ex-partner. 影片继续围绕人性与金钱之间的较量展开。这次放荡不羁的富二代想从离世的祖母那里继承巨额遗产,但是祖母为主人公设置了重重的阻碍,为的是将自己的孙子培养成有担当、有前途的青年。于是一场金钱与人性的较量正式展开。 影片继续围绕人性与金钱之间的较量展开这次放荡不羁的富二代想从离世的祖母那里继承巨额遗产,但是祖母为主人公设置了重重的阻碍,为的是将自己的孙子培养成有担当、有前途的青年。于是一场金钱与人性的较量正式展开。 A self-absorbed young man is challenged to grow a conscience and change his ways in order to receive an inheritance. 缠绵悱恻20年,金钱之爱根据以色列移民在美国追逐梦想的真人真事改编。故事开始于1973年的Tel Aviv,在那Izek在脏乱差的环境下成长,街头混混经常光顾的地下赌场就开在他家酒吧的后面。这所赌场是罪恶的温床,逐渐侵蚀着Izek和他的家人。最后迫不得已,举家迁至洛杉矶。为了追逐梦想重头来过,Izek开始了经商之路,购置地产,经营一家汽车修理厂。他春风得意,处处受到幸运女神的眷顾,尤其是当他与Aline坠入爱河之后。但是好景不长,Izek一直想逃离的罪恶一直如影随形,追随他到每一个角落... Spanning over two decades, "For the Love of Money" follows the true account of an Israeli immigrant who searches for his piece of the A merican dream. The story begins in Tel Aviv in 1973, where a young Izek is raised in a seedy, gangster filled illegal casino that operates behind his family's bar. The casino is a haven for unsavory characters who seek to corrupt him to their way of life. When the violence and crime finds its way to him and his family, Izek (Yuda Levi) and his family relocate to Los Angeles. Hoping to start anew, he pursues his ambitions to become a young entrepreneur by developing small businesses, purchasing real estate, and running an auto repair shop. Success seems to find him at every turn and after falling in love with the beautiful Aline (Delphine Chaneac), luck seems to be on his side. However, it isn't long before the world of crime that Izek tried to escape so long ago continues to doggedly follow him every step of the way... Follows Anita's self-discovery and maturity journey. At 15, the young played by Maisa, had a great expectation of adult life: leave the tiny town Imperatriz, travel to many places and get to know a lot of people. But at 30, her life is nothing like that. With few friends, living in a renovated apartment and with no signal of love, Anita returned to her birth town for her sister Luiza's wedding. 文森特(洛朗·拉菲 Laurent Lafitte 饰)是一位在圈内小有名气的音乐人,一天,在办完演唱会后,文森特将自己的朋友们要请到家里来做客,哪知道妻子不给他面子,不仅和他在现场争执了起来,还砸坏了家里的很多东西。争吵推搡之中,文森特失手将自己推倒使她撞到了桌角,妻子就这样一命呜呼。 不知所措的文森特找来了名叫穆里尔(桑德琳娜·基贝兰 Sandrine Kiberlain 饰)的女子,恳请她帮助自己销毁妻子的尸体。文森特知道穆里尔一直都喜欢着自己,所以对自己的请求一定不会拒绝。然而,纸终究是包不住火的,妻子的失踪很快就引起了警方的注意,为了保护自己爱的人,穆里尔不惜帮文森特做起了伪证。 Tropic Of Cancer Sees Simon Reeve Attempting To Circle The World Following The Tropic Of Cancer Line That Marks The Northern Border Of The Planet's Tropical Region. 十年冷战后,ScroogeMcDuck被找来照顾三个侄子Huey,Dewey和Louie时,再次与他疏远的侄子DonaldDuck团聚。新来者重新激发了Scrooge的冒险意识,他邀请四人与他、管家Beakley太太和她的孙女WebbyVanderquack一起住在麦克杜克庄园。他们一起参加了许多新的寻宝探险和环球旅行冒险,同时与诸如FlintheartGlomgold,BeagleBoys和MarkBeaks等恶棍竞争。在第一季中,Dewey和Webby寻求Scrooge和Donald之间紧张关系以及,Donald的双胞胎姐姐、三只小鸭的母亲DellaDuck失踪的真相,而女巫MagicaDeSpell操纵事件以促进她的回归和对Scrooge的报仇。 白雪覆盖的森林腹地,温柔的松鼠妈妈(海伦娜·邦汉·卡特HelenaBonhamCarter配音)为孩子们讲述了关于咕噜牛的传说:可爱的咕噜牛宝宝(ShirleyHenderson配音)试图进入幽暗森林,却被爸爸(罗彼·考特拉尼RobbieColtrane配音)粗暴地抓回。爸爸警告宝宝,幽暗森林内藏着可怕的大恶鼠,一旦遇上恶鼠势必遭到伤害。夜幕降临,雪花纷飞,咕噜牛爸爸沉沉睡去。温暖的洞穴中,小宝宝却无心睡眠。他的好奇心打败了对大恶鼠的恐惧,最终他冒着大雪闯入幽暗森林。神秘的脚印、邪恶的毒蛇、夜间出没的猫头鹰,为止的森林带给小宝宝前所未有的体验……本片根据JuliaDonaldson与插画家AxelScheffler联合创作的同名绘本改编。 Inaworldwheredigitaltechnologyhasinvadedourlives,someofusendupcracking.Addictortechnophobe,withfamilyoratschool,atworkorinlove,SELFIEtellsthecomicandwilddestiniesofHomoNumericusonthevergeofanervousbreakdown.by:www.tuikan.cc