他们被邪恶的外太空领袖派来入侵地球。但是当两个窃贼闯入他们的家时,他们的真实身份很快就被揭露了。在地球上享受生活的一家人,开始对他们的任务有了新的想法。在窃贼的帮助下,他们决定阻止邪恶的外星人入侵。 Home Invasion centres on a family, that strives to fit into society. They have been sent by their evil outer space leader to invade the Earth. But their true identity is soon revealed, when two burglars break into their home. The family, who is enjoying life on Earth, starts to have second thoughts about their assignment. With the help of the burglars, they decide to stop the evil aliens’ invasion.