本天雾号驱逐舰把比它小得多的PT-109撞成两段,肯尼迪的船员有两人丧生。肯尼迪花了这个晚上的其余时间帮助营救受伤船员。到破晓为止,这些生还者一直都趴在还漂浮着的船首上。直到最后得到支持盟军的罗门群岛居民的营救。两个岛民把肯尼迪刻有求救信号的那个著名的椰子转交给了美国海岸守卫队。在陷于困境6天后,肯尼迪和他的队员安全地登上了一艘姐妹艇PT-157。营救PT-109船员的生还之旅使肯尼迪获得战斗英雄的称号,亦是肯尼迪传奇的基石。 It is mid-1939 and both Germany and England are preparing for an inevitable conflict. Professor Horatio Smith, an effete academic, asks his students to come with him to the continent to engage in an archaeological dig. When his students discover that the professor is the man responsible for smuggling a number of enemies of the Nazi state out of Germany, they enthusiastically join him in his fight. But things are complicated when one of his students brings a mysterious woman into their circle, a woman who is secretly working for the Gestapo. 原子小子边吃花生酱三明治边进行原子弹试验,他帮助美国联邦调查局打破了敌人的间谍……