When 10-year old Olivia's Mom goes on a business trip for the weekend, she leaves Olivia home alone with her 17-year-old brother Miles in charge. The first night, Olivia falls asleep on the couch, and wakes up, not realizing how late it is. She walks her dog Charlie without Miles knowing, and witnesses a young woman being kidnapped on the empty New York City streets. Olivia runs home and tells Miles, but he doesn't believe her. The next morning, she explains what happened to local cops, and they don't believe her either! Only a cynical female detective named Dottie (played by Academy Award winner Susan Sarandon) listens to Olivia, but she too is skeptical. Undaunted, Olivia bravely launches her own investigation, putting herself into perilous situations. Her can-do spirit ignites one extraordinary adventure after another. Can she outwit the bad guys and convince her brother and Dottie of the truth in time to save the day? 海洋生物学家艾布·安德森和宇航员哈罗德·理查兹中校自愿参加了一个科学研究项目:驾驶飞船前往宇宙尽头。十三年过去,两人在飞船上度过了漫长而无聊的岁月,渐渐从互看不顺眼的陌生人,变成了至交好友。每日与蜜蜂、老电视剧,与飞船做伴,两人不知何时能走到宇宙的尽头,无奈与焦急的期盼着。然而一次意外中,哈罗德触电身亡,留下对驾驶飞船一无所知的艾布,面对着茫茫宇宙彷徨失措,正当艾布万念俱灰,准备结束自己的生命时,飞船驶入一片黑暗,紧接着怪事发生了,艾布似乎发现了宇宙深处的惊天秘密...... Mariana(42)ispartofthatChileanupperclassthattakesprivilegeforgranted.Despisedbybothherfatherandherhusband,shefeelsastrangeattractiontowardsherridingteacher,Juan(60),aformercolonelsuspectedofhumanrightsabusesduringthedictatorship.Buttheiraffaircracksthroughtheinvisiblewallsthatprotectherfamilyfromthepast. Set in the Los Angeles nightlife; "Crave The Fast Life" is raw and intense faith-crossover film that follows the rise, fall, and rebirth of a young club promoter as his crave for success takes him down a dark path of greed, betrayal and self-destruction. When Rumpelstiltskin tries to take over Earth once and for all, The Avengers Grimm must track him down through time in order to defeat him. 不知曾几何时,世界上发生了前所未有的灾难。雷(亚历山大·斯卡斯加德 Alexander Skarsgård 饰)带着妻子克莱尔(安德丽亚·瑞斯波罗格 Andrea Riseborough 饰)以及年仅七岁的女儿佐伊(艾米丽·阿琳·林德 Emily Alyn Lind 饰)千辛万苦找到一个避难场所,那里有着充足的食物和能源,简直是可遇不可求的福地。三口人从此躲在地下,时间长达301天,正如雷所说,他们可能是地球上唯一的幸存者。“呼吸怪”是被禁止提及的词汇,它仿佛随时可能出现的恶魔,将一家人的避难所崔毁于一旦。然而不稳定的情绪时刻在三口人之间蔓延,意外状况接二连三出现。在这个隔绝的窒息场所,他们有着永世无法回避的可怕宿命…… 当giulia遇到libero并和他在一起的时候,giulia发现还有不一样的命运和生活在等待着她。但是一个选择直接导致了她被这个世界所背弃 本片改编自一个古典的捷克传说:一个钟表匠杰米和他那爱嫉妒的朋友——一只调皮的山羊的故事。他们俩冒险去救布拉格的巨大时钟和杰米的爱人,她被一股试图阻止钟表成形的邪恶力量所控制。 《险峰》是一部关于高山滑雪的纪录片,它展现了高山滑雪运动的冒险、优美、以及滑雪板上的那些优美的瞬间。高山滑雪运动开始于1970年的法国,那个时候,该运动因为有极高的危险性,被认为是与自杀无异。然而时光荏苒,现在的运动员们纷纷以从事高山滑雪为荣…… 在古代,有七个神圣的卷轴被认为是给那些拥有它们的人授予权力和繁荣。有人预言说,一个在纯血统的孩子出生的人会有一天的利用权力和统治的国家。当人们为了要求这些卷轴,欧洲被推到了战争的边缘。为了维护和平,一个凯尔特人的国王,一个纯洁的血孩子的父亲,得到了卷轴,并给了基督教会的安全保管。作为国王的行动的消息传开,军阀地狱寻找卷轴谋杀了他冷酷的弯曲。因此,国王的女儿,像羊皮卷,被隐藏,直到这一天的预言可以实现. A group of middle school kids stumble upon a chest full of incredible toys from the future. The discovery takes them on an adventure using their newfound toys to save their neighborhood and ultimately the world from a maniacal corporate madman. In the process, these "loser" kids learn they have the qualities they thought they were lacking all along. 罗杰,一个刻板的政治家有宏伟的计划,向他梦中女孩在她家的湖边房子求婚。但一切都出现问题时,他遇到了他潜在的姐夫托︰全职的夏令营辅导员,使他陷入一连串的不幸事件。 一个女人庆祝她40岁生日的方式是让她的三个最好的朋友来和她和她的丈夫一起度过一个长周末。这名妇女在过去两年中一直坐在轮椅上,这导致她把自己孤立在家里。她的丈夫陪在她身边,因为他对导致她坐上轮椅的车祸感到内疚。在为期三天的庆祝活动中,我们发现每个人都在为自己的生活和身份而奋斗。当一个最好的朋友犯了一个可怕的错误,在她的生日那天背叛了她,每个人都立即被迫不安地审视自己的生活和局限性。 当一群凶残的喷火飞龙侵犯英国的土地时,正在学校的小魔术师梅林必须亲身来阻止这些飞龙。 Justin Long and Emmy Rossum are star-crossed lovers whose relationship blooms and unravels over the course of six years in this mysterious, dazzlingly original romance. When a chance encounter brings together the cynical Dell (Long) and the quick-witted Kimberly (Rossum), the stage is set for a tempestuous love affair that unfolds like a puzzle. As the film zigzags back and forth in time-from a meteor shower in LA, to an encounter in a Paris hotel room, to a fateful phone call-an unforgettable portrait of a relationship emerges. Sumptuously shot and boasting incredible chemistry between the leads, Comet is a one-of-a-kind cosmic love story.