In the late Middle Age's Italy, Leonardo "Leo" Da Vinci is a young boy lover to invent advanced machines who lives happy with his best friend Lorenzo and beauty Lisa, being secretly fall in love with her. After to test the first dive suit of his creation in a lake, tragedy appears when coming back to home Lisa realizes that her house and lands have been burned by a fire. Owner of the lands threats Lisa's father to marry her with his son if he doesn't give all money he debts as retribution by the fire, causing Lisa's sorrow. Trying to save her, Leo Da Vinci decides travel to Florencia to gain money and pay the debt with help of Lorenzo. Unable to keep the secret, Lorenzo reveals Lisa Leo's plans, and Lisa joins her friends to make the travel to the big city, where they meet a storyteller that explains in a plaza the story of a pirate ship sunken with a great treasure inside it. Believing it as a true event, Leo buys the treasure map to the storyteller, but it's stolen by a rogue and ... In the late Middle Age's Italy, Leonardo "Leo" Da Vinci is a young boy lover to invent advanced machines who lives happy with his best friend Lorenzo and beauty Lisa, being secretly fall in love with her. After to test the first dive suit of his creation in a lake, tragedy appears when coming back to home Lisa realizes that her house and lands have been burned by a fire. Owner of the lands threats Lisa's father to marry her with his son if he doesn't give all money he debts as retribution by the fire, causing Lisa's sorrow. Trying to save her, Leo Da Vinci decides travel to Florencia to gain money and pay the debt with help of Lorenzo. Unable to keep the secret, Lorenzo reveals Lisa Leo's plans, and Lisa joins her friends to make the travel to the big city, where they meet a storyteller that explains in a plaza the story of a pirate ship sunken with a great treasure inside it. Believing it as a true event, Leo buys the treasure map to the storyteller, but it's stolen by a rogue and ... Starz剧集《古战场传奇》还在拍摄第4季,如今就正式宣布一连续订第5、6两季,毕竟收视率很好。新续订的两季各有12集,预计2019和2020年播出,依次会基于原作小说《异乡人》系列中的《血十字》和《雪尘的呼吸》。而且这两季后,小说还有两本没拍完,现在作者Diana Gabaldon还在写一本新的,所以第6季很可能也不是该剧终点。 原子小子边吃花生酱三明治边进行原子弹试验,他帮助美国联邦调查局打破了敌人的间谍…… 夜总会歌手LarryTodd打破了他的浪漫与美丽的舞女,当他意识到她是一个极其嫉妒黑帮女友。在跑,拉里误认为他杀死的暴徒和被帮助的女继承人MaryCarol逃避警察,谁将拉里和搭档米隆到古巴。玛丽继承了一个孤立的岛屿上的幽灵城堡,并无视不祥的警告和威胁,决定采取占有。在那里,三人寻找一个隐藏的宝藏,并遇到鬼,一个僵尸,和一个神秘的杀手。 一个17岁的女孩和她的父亲一起照顾她的精神和身体严重残疾的妹妹。这越来越让人筋疲力尽,因为她不得不牺牲自己的生命和梦想。情绪失控,爱很容易变成恨。怎么过这样的生活?有没有可能在这里找到一个折衷方案? 一部出色的电影,将那些被迫在这种情况下的人的经历和选择带到了一个可怕的接近,这样做非常现实,没有悲情。只有对这个话题有透彻的了解才能做到这一点。导演玛歌·邦霍姆本人 一个周末,摩尔先生独自在家和孩子们在一起,家里一片混乱。当他在巧克力工厂加班的时候,摩尔先生的孩子们和邻居的孩子们打了起来——这是一场关于糖果、家庭作业和最著名的马戏团狗的战斗。 15年前,来弗里家族的一个婴儿被绑架,坏人莱芬韦尔用假的婴孩乔亚顶替冒充,来获取来弗里家族的遗产。多年后当他终于鼓起勇气对她的“姐姐”露丝说出实情时,她非常愤怒。为了赎罪,他出发去寻找这个真正的孩子。 著名女编剧丽莉安.海儿曼的百老汇舞台剧搬上银幕,在二次世界大战期间生动地反映了德国纳粹间谍的阴影无所不在的恐怖感。保罗.卢卡斯饰演从德国逃到美国的反纳粹地下组织领袖,他和妻子蓓蒂.戴维丝可以在华盛顿的新环境中得到安全的生活,不料同样受到纳粹间谍的监视困扰。导演赫曼.沙姆林从心理层面来反映战时美国民众反法西斯的面貌,以下个动人的故事提醒观众“匪谍就在你身边\",可以说是一部艺术性的政策片。曾获奥斯卡最佳男主角奖。 喜剧演员怀特被美军召集入伍,但不是去当兵,而是让他去当间谍,身份也是喜剧演员,要拿微型照相机去到摩洛哥把美军需要的机密拍照会俩,在摩洛哥他遇到了“老朋友”莉莉,两人开始小打小闹,最后才发现对方是间谍。 皮特•潘一直生活在梦幻岛上,而且永远不会长大,一天皮特•潘在梦幻岛上觉得有点无聊就飞到了伦敦,先在伦敦随便逛了下,然后就来到了一户人家的窗外,这家的小女儿温蒂一直以为精灵是童话故事里才有,当她见到皮特•潘之后彻底震惊了,而后还被邀请去梦幻岛做客,高兴的她就带上自己的两个弟弟一起和小飞侠飞到了梦幻岛。三人到了梦幻岛之后见识到了他们从来没有见过的东西,童话里的印第安酋长和公主等等人物都见到了甚至还一直玩耍。 美国西部大部分土地是荒漠,通信也只能靠马快递。政府逐渐将无线电报业务发展到西部,但是许多牛仔仍然不相信一根电线能传递信息。布赖尔和莱利想开辟新的驿站线路,他们向格牵进新月城。邮政比赛即将开始,格雷克为了阻止布赖尔获得胜利,指使人暗中烧毁邮政马车,在布赖尔经过的地方设置障碍,布赖尔冲破重重阻挠,赢得了邮政比赛,新月城成为驿站,久违了的繁荣景象又回来了。 BillMillerisanunsuccessfulBroadwayperformeruntilhishandlersconvincehimtoenhancehisactwithastooge-TedRogers,aguypositionedintheaudiencetobethebuttofBill'sjokes.ButTedbeginstostealtheshow.Bill'sgirlfriendandhispalstellhimtomakeTedanequalpartner.Complicationsoccur,whileBillsingsandTedgetsthelaughs. 一个想要继承遗产的年轻人雇了一个女人扮演他的新娘。虽然这只是一场表演,但他们之间的感情却出人意料地变得真实了。 古典剑术宫廷小丑喜剧集大成,鲍勃.霍普傻的冒泡的表演令人捧腹。