The impressive title work is the viewer's first clue that producer William Alland and director Eugene Lourie squeezed considerable artistry and style from a shoestring budget. Look past the economic limitations; the suspenseful and imaginative story involves the death of a humanitarian genius whose father (a famous surgeon) and brother (a robotics expert) team up to keep the genius' brain alive in a robot body (well designed by ace effects artist John P. Fulton). The film's message concerns the nature of the soul and the role which physical sensations play in making humans act humane. Other affects by Fulton include one of sci-fi cinema's best death rays. All in all, a moving and intelligent movie 剑侠唐璜生性风流,喜爱沾花惹草,因此在外一直恶名远扬。某日,他竟然冒充了新郎的身份迎娶了美丽端庄的戴安娜,因此被驱逐回国,在那里,大使狄博兰伯爵将唐璜介绍给了王后。西班牙国王昏庸无能,导致首相狄罗卡妄图一手遮天,一时间,国民们陷入了水深火热之中,民不聊生。回国后,唐璜进入了皇家军事学院就职,然而他本性难改,竟然喜欢上了高高在上不可侵犯的王后。狄罗卡觊觎巨额贸易款项,绑架监禁了狄博兰,想从他口中套出巨款的下落,此事被唐璜偶然得知,麻烦缠身的他毅然决定返回学院,破解狄罗卡的阴谋。