High in the hills, among the last remnants of Hollywood's golden age, Tod, 24, and his sister Lani, 22, live a breezy and charmed life in the sprawling mansion of their grandmother Judy, a former movie star now relegated to hosting a dying home shopping show. Tod's carefree and narcissistic existence takes a dark turn when he accidentally (perhaps) shoots Judy, killing her instantly. Desperate to maintain his decadent lifestyle, Tod hatches a diabolical plan to cover-up his Grandma's death, keep her show rolling, and keep the money flowing. After seducing Barb, Judy's producer, Tod convinces her to allow Lani to host the show in Judy's "absence." The ploy works, and the ratings go up. Tod kicks his cover-up into high gear - he turns his attention to Jacob (25), the mansion's handyman, who also happens to be his sister's boy toy. Jacob is the one person that can help Tod put the finishing touches on his evil opus. Surviving a long string of close shaves, Tod manages to outwit everyone,... A mad scientist grandfather invents a genetic transformation machine and his 4 year old grandson accidentally turns his body into that of a 30 year old man. Baby Bobby escapes and runs around town as his siblings try to catch him before their parents get back from vacation AND before the bad guys get to him first. The machine is worth a lot of money and they only have a day before the machine loses its capabilities to change baby bobby back. Josh Fosse is a 20something guy whose life is going nowhere. His girl left, his rent is late, and he lacks a real job. He is trying to make it as an app reviewer online and decides to review a self help app called i-Lived for fun. He's signs on and immediately his life turns around. He meets the girl of his dreams and he gets a job offer he can't refuse. Convinced it's him and not the app, he signs out... and loses everything. He signs on again but this time the terms are different, the app is asking him to do things that are out of his moral comfort zone... but essential to becoming the success the app tells him he can be. The definitive, adrenaline-soaked story of the birth and boom of the most extreme sport on the planet: Freestyle Motocross. A male chauvinist guru guides his best prodigy through the art of controlling women, only for the student to find out he is not everything that he seems. 爱尔兰裔的丹尼·格林(雷·史蒂文森RayStevenson饰)出身于柯林伍德东区,在这片黑手党控制的街区里,格林从小就不断尝试挑战西西里孩子们的权威。1960年,当时在克利夫兰湖区码头工作的格林用暴力掌控了码头装卸工工会,从此他和一班帮手半公开的盗窃货物,敲诈勒索。克利夫兰警方不得不将格林收押,终止了他日益发展的犯罪事业。出狱后的格林另谋出路,为了统一垃圾车业务他选择与黑手党合作。声名鹊起的格林不再骚扰普通人,反而乐善好施打抱不平,这令其赢得了“罗宾汉”的称号。然而格林与黑手党不久即因利益分配发生冲突,引发了一连串疯狂的炸弹袭击…… 第三次世界大战已经发生,美国面临崩溃。九个陌生人躲藏在得克萨斯州农村农舍地窖。他们是在核攻击中幸存下来的受害者。他们在等待政府援救的同时必须得抵挡住饥饿,幽闭恐惧症,性格冲突,放射病和成群的恐惧,死亡的难民,这一切都能够随时将他们毁灭。不过很快最后的灾难来临了…… 戴维(德鲁·傅勒 Drew Fuller 饰)就职于一家快递公司之中,个性老实的他暗恋着同事詹妮(唐佳·温泽尔 Tanja Wenzel 饰),詹妮亦对戴维情有独钟,可是,由于戴维的羞涩,两人之间的窗户纸始终未能捅破。一次偶然中,戴维目睹了一场车祸,一个名为劳拉(Alison King 饰)的女子上了戴维的车,她告诉戴维自己是一名警察,正遭到黑帮的追杀。然而事实真是如此吗? 在莫名其妙之间,戴维成为了警方追捕的对象。原来,劳拉并非警察,而是一名杀手,很显然,警方将戴维当成了她的同伙。就这样,不断被劳拉嫁祸的戴维不得不开始了大逃亡,詹妮自愿跟随他,为他提供了很多帮助。不幸的是,一次意外中,詹妮被劳拉绑架了,劳拉希望戴维能够帮他杀一个警方的重要证人,以此来换取詹妮的命,在正义与爱情之前,戴维会如何选择呢? 受法官塔萍(阿伦`瑞克曼)陷害,被迫流放他乡15年的陶德(约翰尼`德普)回到伦敦后,满心的怒火,只想复仇。他的妻子露西(劳拉`凯利)已经不知所踪,而女儿乔安娜(珍妮`怀森纳)则被塔萍作为养女囚禁在深宅大院里。 陶德遇到了馅饼店老板娘洛薇特夫人(海伦娜`卡特),也是一直爱恋他的女人。在馅饼店楼上,陶德重新开张了他的理发店。渐渐的馅饼的生意好了起来,只是烟筒里不断冒出恶臭的黑烟。理发店的客人也很多,却很少见到有人走出来。那里,陶德一直在等着法官塔萍的到来。 稳定的心态,精妙的手法,杀人于无形,这是一个顶尖杀手的必备特质。亚瑟(杰森•斯坦森Jason Statham 饰)入行多年,在自己以前的搭档哈里(唐纳德•萨瑟兰Donald Sutherland 饰)的帮助下,已经成为一个出色的杀人机器。亚瑟接到一项新任务,暗杀对象是哈 里。虽然亚瑟不忍下手,但在清楚的得知哈里难逃一死之后,最终还是决定亲自送哈里一程。哈里的儿子史蒂夫(本•福斯特 Ben Foster 饰)为了替父报仇,决意要跟随亚瑟学习。在亚瑟的训练下,史蒂夫逐渐掌握了作为一个机械师所必备的技能,与亚瑟合作完成一项又一项暗杀任务。虽然亚瑟从未告诉史蒂夫杀害哈里的凶手,但史蒂夫还是知道了其父被害为亚瑟所为,复仇的火焰在史蒂夫心中逐渐升腾…… 本片翻拍自1972年的同名电影(译作《龙虎铁金钢》),投资约4000万美元。 该剧由《浴血黑帮》编剧斯蒂文·奈特担任制作人,弗朗西斯·劳伦斯([红雀])执导,奈特与劳伦斯共同操刀剧本。剧集讲述在未来的世界,人类失去了视力,社会必须找到新的方式来交流互动、捕猎与生存。一对有视力的双胞胎诞生,所有这一切都受到挑战。莫玛将饰演一个无所畏惧的战士、领导者和守护人。 Unable to get over the tragic loss of the love of his life and stuck with a day job of editing adult videos, Chase meets an unlikely ally, Valentine - a call girl who works under the various personas she has created for herself. Is Chase ready to uncover Valentine's dark secrets? Tommy从小就开始和拳击打交道,他一路走来看到很多不同的拳击手。在他眼里,拳击手可能有高矮胖瘦的区分,有男女的差异,但是各种各样的拳击手他们却有一个共同点,就是对冠军和胜利的渴望。Tommy深知这一点,但同时他也很清楚,即使赢得全世界,如果在比赛中迷失了自己那也是很可怕的事情…… 一个唯利是图的纽约律师逃到德州一个小镇躲避黑帮追杀,在这里,他找到了重新做一个好人的动力。 Clinging to the only life she's ever known, a headstrong woman (along with her loving parents) finds herself on the verge of losing her family's berry farm in the heart of the Smoky Mountains, to an impending retail expansion. Over one eventful holiday season, she tries every avenue possible to save the farm. But, when the local town leaders notify her that they will have to seize the property after the holidays, her last hope to unite the town, is to throw a Christmas concert on the farm, headlined by her former love, a ne'er-do-well country music superstar. As the day of the concert approaches, they all must learn the value of family, faith and community-before time runs out.