本片根据英国作家艾曼达·佛曼的人物传记《乔治亚娜,德文郡公爵夫人》改编。18世纪末,年轻美貌的乔治亚娜·卡文迪什(凯拉•奈特利 Keira Knightley 饰)奉母命嫁给了长自己九岁的第五代德文郡公爵(拉尔夫·费因斯 Ralph Fiennes 饰)。乔治亚娜聪明风 趣,对时尚的敏感触觉使其成为了伦敦贵族的夺目中心,却无法触动不忠丈夫的心。德文郡公爵不满乔治亚娜没为自己带来儿子,与她最好的朋友,伊丽莎白夫人(海莉·阿特维尔 Harley Atwell 饰)公开偷情。愤怒的乔治亚娜投向了格辉党新秀查尔斯·格雷(1830-1834年任英国首相)(多米尼克·库珀 Dominic Cooper 饰)的怀抱,但二人的感情却为德文郡公爵所不允…… 本片获奥斯卡及英国电影电视协会最佳服装设计奖,并被提名奥斯卡最佳艺术指导、英国电影电视协会最佳化妆及发型和金球奖最佳男配角(拉尔夫·费因斯)。 着名烂片系列的最终章《最后的鲨卷风 The Last Sharknado: It's About Time》将在8月19日播出,片中地球已经被摧毁,因此Fin得时间穿梭至第一起鲨卷风事件,从根源阻止这群会飞的鲨鱼。 根据莎拉·沃特斯同名小说《Affinity》改编而成。 父亲死后,郁郁寡欢的玛歌(Anna Madeley饰)来到迷畔监狱担任志愿探访者,她和女囚犯们交谈,引导她们“重塑新生”。 很快,玛歌在囚徒中发现了一个谜样的存在,那就是杜思林(Zoë Tapper饰),杜思林因“欺诈和袭击”罪名入狱,可她坚称自己的清白,她表示自己是沟通现世和彼世的灵媒,不幸的是,在一次通灵现场,她的监护灵失控,才使得无辜的人丧命。杜思林的楚楚可怜样使玛歌产生了怜悯之意,而杜思林竟能看透自己内心深处对弟妹那难以启齿的感情,并通过灵界朋友送来花朵和头发更让玛歌对其超能力深信不疑。 在杜思林的导引下,玛歌开始领略到生活的真谛,爱的真谛,她再也不能坐看杜思林身陷囹圉,不想一幕悲剧就此上演…… On the night of his untimely and mysterious death in post Civil War New Orleans, world chess champion PAUL MORPHY'S exciting and tortured life is reviewed. Known as the greatest chess player in the modern era, Morphy was a multidimensional genius prodigy. A mad scientist grandfather invents a genetic transformation machine and his 4 year old grandson accidentally turns his body into that of a 30 year old man. Baby Bobby escapes and runs around town as his siblings try to catch him before their parents get back from vacation AND before the bad guys get to him first. The machine is worth a lot of money and they only have a day before the machine loses its capabilities to change baby bobby back. Josh Fosse is a 20something guy whose life is going nowhere. His girl left, his rent is late, and he lacks a real job. He is trying to make it as an app reviewer online and decides to review a self help app called i-Lived for fun. He's signs on and immediately his life turns around. He meets the girl of his dreams and he gets a job offer he can't refuse. Convinced it's him and not the app, he signs out... and loses everything. He signs on again but this time the terms are different, the app is asking him to do things that are out of his moral comfort zone... but essential to becoming the success the app tells him he can be. A man, Joseph, loses his wife at sea, then spirals deep into a world of confusion. The wife's brothers' need revenge! Joseph tries to tell anyone who will listen that a whale killed his beautiful Annabel Lee, but even he doesn't quite remember the truth. A journey into the depths of his mind, a conversation with a whale and blood thirsty brothers. Love is Forever, So is [email protected] A lovable dog named Bandit starts stealing cash to help his adopted family, he unwittingly sets them on a collision course with his dangerous ex-partner. The series follows four young nurses working on the frontlines of St. Jude's hospital dedicating their lives to helping others, while figuring out how to help themselves. A story about a beautiful street musician suffering from memory loss and a disheartened neuroscientist intent on helping her, bringing together the city of New Orleans and the jazz that made it famous. 1986年的5月16日,大衛和桃莉帶著強力炸彈闖進懷厄明州柯克維爾的一所小學,並挾持所有的老師及學生。數小時之後,炸彈被引爆了,但是莫名其妙的是,唯二的死者竟是大衛和桃莉。存活下來的小孩們回家告訴父母,因為當時有許多「白衣天使」教他們如何保護自己,關在教室裡的大家才得以存活下來… 一個患有躁鬱症男孩的成長故事:提姆每每發作,就不能自制,言行失控、惡言傷人。母親雖心痛,卻從不責備他,也不放棄任何希望。但提姆不但沒好轉,到了青春期,反而更封閉自己,連最愛他的母親也無可奈何,迫不得已送他到療養院。 在專業醫療環境中,加上全家人用愛與耐心陪伴協助,提姆得以一步一步走回正軌。 《伊萨卡》是根据美国作家威廉·萨洛扬( William Saroyan)1943年的长篇小说《人间喜剧》(The Human Comedy)改编的,故事围绕着居住在加州小镇“伊萨卡”的14岁少年荷马(Homer Macauley)展开,哥哥去欧洲作战后,家中就剩下他来照顾妈妈、姐姐以及4岁的弟弟尤利西斯(Ulysses)。荷马是小镇上的自行车电报送信员,在1942年的那个春夏,他为小镇上的居民送去了无数承载着爱、痛苦、死亡以及希望的消息,也从一个男孩成长为了男子汉。 影片讲述在种族偏见根深蒂固的美国南方小镇,白人男主人公汉克(比利·鲍勃·汤顿 饰)与黑人妇女莱茜娅(哈莉·贝瑞饰)一段纠缠在死亡与种族歧视下的爱情故事。汉克生长在极端种族主义的保守白人家庭,深受父亲影响。在父亲退休后,汉克接手负责执行死刑。在刚刚处死了一个黑人死囚后,汉克意想不到的邂逅了他的妻子莱茜娅。很快,两人坠入情网。可在种族观念保守僵化的环境下,这不可思议的命运交集,会像舞蹈般缠绵动人还是举步维艰呢? 本片女主角哈莉·贝瑞荣获第74届奥斯卡金像奖(2002)最佳女主角。 故事发生在洛杉矶东区,迪哥(René Alvarado 饰)和皮德罗(David Berón 饰)是一对相恋多年的同性恋人,可是,皮德罗对于出柜的恐惧使得他们长久以来只能遮遮掩掩的生活,这让迪哥很是不满和沮丧。卫斯理(Steve Callahan 饰)和强森(Cory Schneider 饰)也是一对同性恋人,刚刚搬家到东区的他们以光明正大的作风在当地掀起了一股不小的浪潮。 随着时间的流逝,迪哥开始渐渐在意起了卫斯理的存在,而卫斯理同样特也被英俊的迪哥青睐有加。可是,情投意合的两人却并不能自由的享受恋情带来的幸福和快乐,一边是对于前男友的不舍的责任,一边是身份和地位带来的限制与非议,摆在迪哥和卫斯理面前的道路漫长又坎坷。