美丽女孩瑞茜·霍尔登(佐伊·丹斯切尔 Zooey Deschanel 饰)心中怀有表演的梦想,为此她从密歇根州的老家来到大都会纽约,靠着自己的勤奋取得了些许成就。她的父亲丹(埃德·哈里斯 Ed Harries 饰)曾是一名知名作家,却因爱妻之死而将近二十年再未执笔。瑞茜 和父亲的关系颇为冷淡,父女二人分别多年几无联系。某晚,演出完毕的瑞茜迎来一位不速之客,她叫劳瑞·兰斯基(艾米·麦迪甘 Amy Madigen 饰),是一个以编书为生的女人。劳瑞对丹当年写给爱妻的情书极为感兴趣,她希望瑞茜能够提供这些情书。 虽然实现了演员的梦想,但是瑞茜仍为生计所迫。在丰厚报酬的诱惑下,她决定返回阔别七年之久的老家,却未曾想到这是一次改变人生的旅程…… 在波特家的地板缝里,居住着波德一家人,波德一族天生拥有着迷你的身材,靠着寄宿在人类家中,向人类借生活必备品维生。这一天,皮特(布莱德利·皮尔斯BradleyPierce饰)向往常一样告别了父母前往学校,而他的父母也双双出门了,整个大房子成为了波德一家人的天下。这一次,波德(约翰·古德曼JohnGoodman饰)带上了儿子皮特林(汤姆·费尔顿TomFelton饰)和女儿阿列艾迪(弗洛拉·纽比金FloraNewbigin饰),那晓得皮特林在偷冰淇淋的时候却被误打误撞的关进了冰箱里。好巧不巧,波特家的主人在这个节骨眼上回家了,面临这前所未有的危机,波德会做出怎样的反应呢? A cop (Roberts) tries to bust a gang of teenage gun dealers. In the process he catches only one and tries to charge him with a number of offences but fails since the gang member is underage. One by one the youth's friends start turning up dead. It is up to Dylan (Roberts), and his partner to save the youth from the same fate as the rest of his gang. U.S Postal Inspectors are called in when a suburban couple are killed by a mail bomb. Suspicion immediately falls on the couple's estranged and heavily in debt son, who also just happens to be a Navy munitions expert. But investigations reveal that he is on the run from a past event in his life that is associated with the bombings. 这是一部阴森诡异的吸血鬼传说,同时也是一个凄美感伤的爱情故事。公元1462年,土耳其人入侵君士坦丁堡,并威胁到整个基督教。罗马尼亚大将军德古拉伯爵(加里•奥德曼饰)临危受命征讨,不料就在他获胜之时,城内谣言四起,盛传他已战死沙场。他的妻子伊丽莎白(薇诺娜•赖德饰)因悲痛欲绝而投河自杀,班师回朝的德古拉看到的只是妻子的尸体。由此他迁怒于上帝,从而化身投入邪恶势力,以吸食鲜血延续生命,成了一个不死的吸血僵尸。四百年后,故事辗转到了1897年的伦敦,年轻律师强•纳生(基努•里维斯饰)受命到罗马尼亚特兰斯瓦尼亚属地的德古拉家族城堡去办理这位贵族后裔在伦敦的地产手续。为此,他将与未婚妻——美丽的美娜(薇诺娜•赖德饰)分离。德古拉城堡的主人公正是已化为吸血鬼的德古拉伯爵,他发现美娜与伊丽莎白惊人相象,认为美娜就是莉莎的转世再生。他决定找到美娜,找回那一份遗失了四百年的真爱。他将约拿囚禁在城堡之中,带上成箱子的故乡泥土:这是他力量的源泉,乘船一路呼风唤雨来到伦敦。他的到来复苏了伦敦的黑暗力量。伦敦处于一种神秘的恐怖之中。而美娜却总在冥冥之中听到一种心灵的神秘的召唤,在恐惧中又带有一种强烈的向往······ 某天,世界各地接连出现奇怪现象:安装心脏起搏器的病人突然暴亡、鸽子迷失方向四处乱撞、金门大桥断裂、罗马竞技场遭到密集雷电袭击……一时间,人类陷入前所未有的恐慌,似乎恐怖的世界末日就在眼前。各国政府及军队紧急动员,急切找到这一连串灾难发生的原因。在这关键时刻,地质物理学家乔许·凯斯(艾伦·艾克哈特AaronEckhart饰)探明真相,原来地核因某种未知的原因停止转动,导致磁场消失。为了拯救人类和地球,乔许以及蕾贝卡·柴德(希拉里·斯万克HilarySwank饰)、罗伯特·艾维森(布鲁斯·格林伍德BruceGreenwood饰)等专家组成一支救援小组,共同前往地球中心实行艰巨而充满危险的拯救任务。人类的命运命悬一线…… 故事的主人公比尔是一位残障人士,他患有先天性脑瘫,但比尔并不甘心成为一个失败者,他希望能通过自己的努力,在生命中获得成功。从1955年起,他开始尝试做上门推销员,起初他四处碰壁,并且经常遭到“正常人”的白眼。但是,他并不气馁,继续着自己的事业…… U.S Postal Inspectors are called in when a suburban couple are killed by a mail bomb. Suspicion immediately falls on the couple's estranged and heavily in debt son, who also just happens to be a Navy munitions expert. But investigations reveal that he is on the run from a past event in his life that is associated with the bombings. A Bit of Fry & Laurie was a British television sketch comedy show, starring and written by Stephen Fry and Hugh Laurie, broadcast by the BBC between 1989 and 1995. Running for four series, it totalled 26 episodes (including a 35 minute special in 1987). Series four (1995) [edit]Episode 1 Guests: John Bird, Jane Booker Sketches: Grey and Hopeless Guests Introduction Blame Charter Jane’s Poem (NOTE: Script appeared in first script book as Stephen’s Poem, but the poem is the same, except the line about his wife dying is changed to Jane’s grandfather being murdered.) Smell All We Gotta’ Do (song; Laurie performed this song when he hosted "Saturday Night Live" in 2006) Channel Changer Wonderful Life Cocktail Ending: Golden Meteorite [edit]Episode 2 Guests: Fiona Gillies, Kevin McNally Sketches: Dog Hamper Hugh’s Bandage Child Abuse Guests Introduction Going for Gold I’m in love with Steffi Graf (song) Lovers’ Helper Fascion Avenger Operational Criteria Cocktail Ending: Long, Confident Suck [edit]Episode 3 Guests: Imelda Staunton, Clive Mantle Sketches: Vox Pops Guests Introduction Barman Interruptus Little Girl (song) Making Tea For Some Reason Angry Don’t Be Dirty Cocktail Ending: South Seas Vulvic Wart [edit]Episode 4 Guests: Caroline Quentin, Patrick Barlow Sketches: Good Evening Guests Introduction Soccer School Dalliard: Models Hugh Interviewing Guests The polite rap (song) Head Gardener Gelliant Gutfright("Flowers For Wendy") Cocktail Ending: A Quick One With You, Stephen [edit]Episode 5 Guests: Phyllida Law, Stephen Moore Sketches: Oprah Winfrey Guests Introduction Grand Prix Tribunal Red and Shiny Pooch Disgusting Wasps Cocktail Ending: Swinging Ballsack [edit]Episode 6 Guests: None Sketches: Stolen Money Young Tory of the Year Variety Gossiping Heads Death Threat What I Mind (Misunderstood) (Song) Honda The Duke of Northampton Cocktail Ending: Silver Prostate [edit]Episode 7 Guests: Janine Duvitski, Robert Daws Sketches: Guests Introduction Religianto Consent Sophisticated Song (song) Fast Monologue Telephone Alert Truancy Cocktail Ending: A Modern Britain Fleeing from the twin horrors of prospective marriage and the baleful Aunt Agatha, Bertie sails to New York with Jeeves, where he hopes to lie low but instead he is charged with minding the ultra-shy mother’s boy Wilmot, son of Lady Malvern, and showing him the high life. Oddly enough Wilmot takes only too well to the night-spots of Manhattan, wearing Bertie out in the process. Tuppy Glossop also arrives, to talk about car exportation with wealthy businessman Mr. Stoker. Unfortunately Tupper’s business plan is nowhere near as lofty as it should be. Romantic entanglements are complicated by a unique silver cow creamer that is desired by both Bertie’s Uncle Thomas and his rival, Judge Sir Watkyn Bassett. Sir Watkyn purchases the creamer by telling the shopkeeper, falsely, that Thomas had sent him. Bertie’s Aunt Dahlia and friend "Stiffy" Byng both want him to steal the creamer for different reasons, but Judge Sir Watkyn has already sentenced him once (for stealing a bobby’s helmet) and he doesn’t want to go to jail. 这是一部阴森诡异的吸血鬼传说,同时也是一个凄美感伤的爱情故事。 公元1462年,土耳其人入侵君士坦丁堡,并威胁到整个基督教。罗马尼亚大将军德古拉伯爵(加里•奥德曼 饰)临危受命征讨,不料就在他获胜之时,城内谣言四起, 盛传他已战死沙场。他的妻子伊丽莎白(薇诺娜•赖德 饰)因悲痛欲绝而投河自杀,班师回朝的德古拉看到的只是妻子的尸体。由此他迁怒于上帝,从而化身投入邪恶势力,以吸食鲜血延续生命,成了一个不死的吸血僵尸。 四百年后,故事辗转到了1897年的伦敦,年轻律师强•纳生(基努•里维斯 饰)受命到罗马尼亚特兰斯瓦尼亚属地的德古拉家族城堡去办理这位贵族后裔在伦敦的地产手续。为此,他将与未婚妻——美丽的美娜(薇诺娜•赖德 饰)分离。德古拉城堡的主人公正是已化为吸血鬼的德古拉伯爵,他发现美娜与伊丽莎白惊人相象,认为美娜就是莉莎的转世再生。他决定找到美娜,找回那一份遗失了四百年的真爱。他将约拿囚禁在城堡之中,带上成箱子的故乡泥土:这是他力量的源泉,乘船一路呼风唤雨来到伦敦。他的到来复苏了伦敦的黑暗力量。伦敦处于一种神秘的恐怖之中。而美娜却总在冥冥之中听到一种心灵的神秘的召唤,在恐惧中又带有一种强烈的向往······