一个年轻女人意识到她的未婚夫被某种实体附身,占据他人身体、谋杀家人然后继续附身到新躯体之上,当“他”想组建属于自己的家庭时,她将面临着几乎不可能的抉择。 The BBC will air Return to Paradise, a new Australia-set spin-off from one of the UK’s most watched dramas Death in Paradise. Filming next year, the six-part series will be produced by BBC Studios Productions Australia with Red Planet Pictures for the ABC, in association with the BBC.Set in the idyllic, beachside hamlet of Dolphin Cove, Return to Paradise is six gripping, twisting and fiendishly clever murder mysteries – all against the spectacular backdrop of the Australian coastal landscape.Australian ex-pat Mackenzie Clarke is the seemingly golden girl of the London Metropolitan police force – with an intuitive approach to detective work, she has built a reputation for being able to crack the most impossible of cases. However, she’s suddenly forced to up sticks and move back to her childhood home of Dolphin Cove, a beautiful, coastal paradise… and Mackenzie’s worst nightmare.Having escaped her hometown at the earliest opportunity six years ago, Mack vowed she'd never come back, leaving a lot of unfinished business and unanswered questions. On her return she’s still no fan of the town, and the people of Dolphin Cove are certainly no fans of hers. In fact everyone would prefer her not to be there, including Mackenzie herself.But when a murder takes place in Dolphin Cove, Mack can’t help but put her inspired detective brilliance to good use and determines, despite her reservations, that she needs to make the best of it, including tying up the loose ends with the man she left at the altar six years ago. 故事讲述2092年,胜利号飞船在太空中展开的冒险,金泰梨饰演胜利号船长,宋仲基饰演问题飞行员。 故事讲述刚离婚不久的格雷格(威尔逊饰)遇到了迷人的伊莎贝尔(海耶克饰)。伊莎贝尔住在大街上,认为这个被污染、破败不堪的世界并不是真实的。她相信这个丑陋的世界是在一个美丽、和平、“真实”的极乐世界的内部。起初格雷格表示怀疑,但他最终发现这个理论很有道理。 剧集讲述了一群由狼人、女巫、巨石等不合时宜的“怪人”冒着生命的危险寻找勇气,阻止邪恶力量复活恶龙,并拯救世界于水火之中的故事,融奇幻、想象、喜剧与犯罪于一体。 After achieving success in her younger years, the brilliant septuagenarian Madeline Matlock, played by Academy & Emmy Award Winner Kathy Bates, rejoins the workforce at a prestigious law firm where she uses her unassuming demeanor and wily tactics to win cases and expose corruption from within. Inspired by the classic television series of the same name. 由《搶救雷恩大兵》男星愛德華伯恩斯自編自導,設定於1980年代,描述一群剛畢業的大學生在曼哈頓追夢之際,仍然不忘自己來自長島故鄉,懷抱著自工薪階級家庭成長所堅持的信念。 缪斯迫切希望加入臭名昭著的巴尔的摩越野车骑士TheMidnightClique,他们统治着夏季街头。当午夜的领袖布拉克斯将14岁的缪斯带到他身边时,缪斯很快就发现自己在狭窄的道路和充斥着快速的金钱和暴力的道路之间挣扎。 FollowshackerConnor,hisbestfriendAviandacunninglibrarianwhofindthemselvesovertheirheadswhenforcedtocompeteinasophisticateddarkwebsecretsociety’sglobalrecruitmentgame. 故事围绕着一个中国移民家庭和两个不同背景的中国女孩展开。Lucia是出生在西班牙的中国移民二代,父母亲开杂货铺,他们每天工作十几个小时,不会说西班牙语,她最大的愿望是可以像其他孩子一样在汉堡王过生日,和拥有一对“正常的父母”。Xiang是被西班牙父母收养的中国女孩,她因身世而感觉到自己和周围的环境格格不入,同时也对自己的亲生父母有着强烈的好奇。 《权力的游戏》制片人弗兰克·多尔格要为德国ZDF电视台开发一部全新惊悚剧集《康考迪亚》(Concordia),设定类似《少数派报告》,数百万台摄像机连接到一个人工智能系统,该系统监控公民生活的方方面面,并在犯罪嫌疑人犯罪之前阻止他们,整个城市没有枪支,犯罪率为零,直到有一天,在郊区发现了一具尸体……该剧集已邀请《弗兰肯斯坦传奇》的编剧Mike Walden撰写剧本。 在费城北部度过夏天的时候,一边是犯罪世界,一边是关系疏远的父亲充满活力的都市牛仔亚文化,这让一个问题少年感到左右为难。 卡西·阿弗莱克、山姆·克拉弗林、米歇尔·莫娜汉、维罗尼卡·费瑞尔将主演,克莉斯汀·杰弗斯([阳光清洗])执导的独立惊悚片[你的每一次呼吸](EveryBreathYouTake,暂译)。影片围绕一个精神科医生(阿弗莱克饰)展开,他的一位女性病人自杀后,其事业彻底陷入危机。当他邀请女病人的哥哥(克拉弗林饰)来到他家时,遇见了他的妻子(莫纳汉饰)和女儿,他的家庭却生活突然破裂了。影片即将于11月温哥华开机。 Rebellious,irreverentwunderkindGülserennavigatesloneliness,loveandlossagainstthecurrentofpoliticalturmoilandsocialchange. 一名少女芭蕾舞演员偶然了解到嘻哈街舞,于是她面临着艰难的抉择:追随父母的脚步,还是追求她新发现的激情。