《福尔摩斯系列之面对死亡》(1943年)是根据柯南道尔的《玛斯古勒布家的仪式》的故事改编。正在古老的玛斯古勒布庄园军人疗养院休养的华生请福尔摩斯来调查发生的奇怪事情。接着发生了一系列不可思议的事,谋杀、私道,象棋游戏和神秘的家庭仪式。只有争分夺秒与亡命徒斗智的福尔摩斯才能拨开重重迷雾,揭开宝藏的秘密。 三星半,有钱未必有幸福。最后这句“快来吃饭了,晚了可就要喂狗了。”让土豪回到从前,实际上也是对自己的讽刺,悔恨当初爱江山舍弃美人,如今为时已晚。儿子和他全然不同的结局正是最有力的对比。弗朗西斯·法默一人分饰两角,还是妈妈更为惊艳。 秀兰·邓波儿在这幕令人发笑的音乐喜剧片中饰演一个卷发的小女孩,她喜欢唱歌跳舞,从穷家女一跃而至明星的地位。向来开朗活泼的小秀兰靠唱歌赚钱,她的小偷祖父在被秀兰歌声吸引的人群中做扒手。当秀兰被一名女士收养后,她的歌唱才能被发掘出来,被邀请参演“汤姆叔叔的小屋”。在这出戏里秀兰即将带给你美妙的歌声和愉快的时光。 秀兰·邓波儿在这幕令人发笑的音乐喜剧片中饰演一个卷发的小女孩,她喜欢唱歌跳舞,从穷家女一跃而至明星的地位。向来开朗活泼的小秀兰靠唱歌赚钱,她的小偷祖父在被秀兰歌声吸引的人群中做扒手。当秀兰被一名女士收养后,她的歌唱才能被发掘出来,被邀请参演“汤姆叔叔的小屋”。在这出戏里秀兰即将带给你美妙的歌声和愉快的时光。 故事发生二战时期,《福尔摩斯在华盛》展现的是福尔摩斯和华生智斗纳粹间谍的故事。一位负责将绝密胶片从英格兰送往华盛顿的英国间谍在任务途中神秘地失踪了。由于担心自身的安全,他将胶卷藏在火车上一位不知情的女士那里后,自己也躲了起来。当局被告知此事后,福尔摩斯奉命调查。英国政府要求福尔摩斯和华生前往华盛顿,赶在胶片落入敌手之前查出真相,否则,英国及同盟国将损失惨重。面对国际间谍,福尔摩斯争分夺秒,寻找线索,在造成重大损失前擒获间谍找回了胶片。 古德·考瑞一家是一个爱好收藏的绅士家族,他们住在祖传的城堡中,渴望过宁静祥和的生活。一切似乎都很平静。直到有一天,发生了一些可怕的事情。在宴会上,家庭成员一个接一个地被残忍杀害,大家开始怀疑他们的保险代理人,于是求助于福尔摩斯和华生调查惨案真相。福尔摩斯被告知受害者都收到过一个装有橙色果仁的密封袋,并且在晚宴上它将被送给下一个受害者,福尔摩斯还知道了被害家族成员的保险费将支付给生还的成员,这位著名的侦探认定这是一起谋杀案。于是决定和华生动身前往苏格兰去揭开这个谜团. This is not a large scale multi-million dollar epic of World War Two. No thousands of extras, no wide panoramic sweep of battle scenes. This says more about The Battle of the Bulge than the movie of the same name. It's just an ordinary black and white M.G.M. production. What it lacks in size and scope it makes up for in impact.A simple story very well told, of a squad of GI's of the 101st Airborne Division, thrown into the maelstrom that was the German offensive in the Ardennes in December of 1944 against the Allied ground forces.It's hard to believe that this film was not shot on location; but on a Metro sound stage. And Metro's Culver City was turned into the only outdoor location for the snow-covered, rubble-strewn town of Bastogne under siege, which was tenaciously held by the 101st, under the command of Brig. General Anthony McAuliffe.With the exception of Van Johnson as Pvt. Holly who was high profile on the Metro lot in his time, and George Murphy as Pvt. Stazak, the rest of the cast were character-type actors who filled their roles perfectly. James Whitmore as Sgt. Kinnie is drilling the squad in the opening scenes.The squad members talk of an enjoyable furlough in Paris which is suddenly cut short by the German breakthrough in the Ardenne. Ptv. Stazak hopes of going home are dashed because his authorised documents have not come through before the squad moves up front. Douglas Fowley as Pvt. Kippton seems to be the best in the squad at bellyaching.Maybe it's his dentures that make him a sourpuss. But Fowley's dentures turn into a class act; clicking away to the old song, "I Surrender Dear," through the courtesy of a German propaganda broadcast heard over the radio in a Sherman tank. Denise Darcel comes as a welcome relief of feminine pleasure; not out of place in the town of Bastogne itself. In an indoor scene, Pvt. Holly's eyeballs go into left-to-right overdrive as he stares at Denise's buxom rear end descending a flight of stairs. Then there's Holly again, nursing stolen newly-laid eggs, as valuable as gold nuggets. He's about to scramble them over a fire when the squad is told to saddle up and move out. Not for the first time does Johnson (Pvt. Holly) yell, "oh no!" A expression he's used in past movies also. The broken eggs in his upturned helmet are now a problem. In the end it's disaster. The German artillery scramble the eggs for Holly. Problem solved!On a three man patrol, Holly, Hodiak as Janness, Montalban as Rodriguez, intercept and force a jeep carrying a Major and two sergeants to stop and identify themselves. The knowledge that Germans are infiltrating in GI uniforms has made the patrol suspicious so the Major is asked how the Dodgers made out in 1944. The Major hesitates,but the Sergeant in the rear seat asks Holly who Betty Grable is married to. Montalban shouts back, "Cesar Romero". The Major says Romero is out. "Betty Grable is married to Harry James". The tense atmosphere relaxes. The patrol is convinced they're friendly.What is displayed authentically on this studio sound stage is the icy, bone-chilling atmosphere of the battlefield. The men hunkered down; the deeper the better, in their foxholes. Throughout nearly all this movie there is the constant rise and fall in the background of continuous artillery fire, like a rolling thunder. It never seems to cease. Sometimes it's close, sometimes distant. That, along with the freezing fog hanging like a thick whitish-grey blanket in the air, enveloping everything, gives off an atmosphere of crisis; a feeling of fearful tension. The men endeavour to dispel the fear with humour. Waiting and wondering when the enemy will appear ghost-like out of the mist-shrouded forest.Near the end of the movie, Leon Ames gives a good performance as a Army Chaplain. Trying to explain the reason for this necessary trip to Europe, to kill off a murderous political system that has already killed off millions. Before the end, the tables turn in the Allies favour. Sergeant Kinnie notices his shadow against the snow. The sun is breaking through and the mist rises. Allied tactical air power is back in business again with a vengeance.Veteran director William Wellman was not found wanting when he directed this movie. He had already proved himself with, "The Story of GI Joe", in 1945. Antiwar film? Any war film well made and convincing can be antiwar, and you do not need blood all over the silver screen to prove it. Antiwar or not, World War Two was a "popular" war. The reasons stuck out a mile. The Army Chaplain said so in so many words.The Ardennes offensive caught the Allies unawares. By late 1944, battered the German forces may have been. But they still had a few nasty shots in their locker to scare the living daylights out of the Allied Command. We thought the Germans had run out of fighting steam, but old Field Marshal Gerd Von Rundstedt thought different. 故事发生在古罗马时期,护民官米撒拉(史蒂芬•博伊德StephenBoyd饰)回到了故乡,重遇了儿时的好友宾虚(查尔登•海斯顿CharltonHeston饰)。宾虚家是犹太人的豪门,在犹太人中享有相当高的待遇,为了控制犹太人,使他们安份的臣服于古罗马帝国的统治之下,米撒拉希望宾虚帮忙。但宾虚不肯出卖自己的民族,于是两个好友决裂了。随后,米撒拉找了借口治了宾虚一家谋反罪,宾虚被卖到一艘军舰上当奴隶,而他也失去家人们的信息。一次偶然机会,宾虚立了战功,得到了古罗马的皇帝接见,他回到了故乡,也开始了他的复仇之旅! 吉姆(柯克·道格拉斯 Kirk Douglas 饰)是一位刑警,他嫉恶如仇,以铲除罪恶为己任。某日,在审讯名为西乃达(乔治·麦克雷迪 George Macready 饰)的嫌疑犯时,吉姆没有忍住怒火动了粗,他因为此行为得到了西乃达律师的警告,却也得知了一个充满了犯罪气息的名字——汤姆(杰拉德·摩尔 Gerald Mohr 饰)。循着西乃达的律师的指点,汤姆找到了自己的妻子玛丽(埃琳诺·帕克 Eleanor Parker 饰),向她询问汤姆的踪迹。让吉姆感到震惊的是,玛丽不仅曾经和汤姆有过一段恋情,甚至还怀过汤姆的孩子。这件事情让吉姆陷入了苦恼和困惑之中,妻子隐秘的情史令他不知道该不该继续追查下去。 以英国伦敦的一个中产阶级家庭为模特儿,透过他们一家的战时遭遇来反映大后方老百姓团结抗战的热诚,颇能鼓舞民心士气,曾获最佳影片等六项金像奖,在今天看来依旧有其艺术和娱乐价值。本片取材自英国女记者的通讯报导集,经四名编剧将内容加工提炼成为结构完整的剧本。导演威廉。怀勒充分掌握住战时生活的气氛和人物之间的浓厚感情,拍出了邻里间平凡中见不平凡的一面。饰演女主角米尼弗夫人的格里尔·加森表现出后方家庭主妇的坚强和韧性,是极成功的贤妻良角色。 该片是福尔摩斯的一部经典电影,整个故事发生在从伦敦到爱丁堡的一列火车上。为了保护罗得西亚之星这颗价值不菲的钻石,福尔摩斯和敌人展开了一轮又一轮的斗智,最终保护了罗得西亚之星,并成功的捕获了歹徒… 嘉莉(珍妮弗·琼斯JenniferJones饰)出身于偏僻贫穷的山村,长大之后,她来到了繁华的大都市芝加哥,希望能够在这里过上自己梦想中的生活。然而,现实却是残酷的,拮据的经济让她不得不过着寄人篱下的日子。一次偶然中,嘉莉在火车上遇见了名为杜洛埃(埃迪·艾伯特EddieAlbert饰)的男子,杜洛埃多金又慷慨,嘉莉遂即同他开始了同居生活。\r之后,嘉莉又遇见了酒店老板赫斯渥(劳伦斯·奥利弗LaurenceOlivier饰),在赫斯渥的身边,嘉莉总算过上了梦想中荣华富贵纸醉金迷的生活。可是好景不长,一场意外让赫斯渥千金散尽,就在两人举步维艰之时,嘉莉得到了一份在歌剧院的工作,嘉莉凭借着自己的美貌和歌喉很快蹿红,面对突然获得的财富和名誉,嘉莉决定抛弃赫斯渥。 故事发生在二战期间,在瑞士科学家图贝尔博士发明了一种炸弹装置。福尔摩斯非常有技巧的把他从盖世太保眼皮底下救出来回到伦敦,可图贝尔博士又落到了莫利亚蒂教授的手中。图贝尔画了一张暗号图,福尔摩斯经过努力终于把那些跳舞小人的信号图解开了,并冒险闯入了虎穴。 一对年轻的夫妻请了一名保姆来照顾小孩,不料这名保姆行为异常,多方打探竟无人知道她的来历,结局会怎样呢.... 由著名演员BenNaaszTeddyCañezJenniferSydney主演,主要讲述了未来世界人与机械武器之间的爱恨情仇