这是一系列关于英国君主政体的纪录片 由历史学家David Starkey担任presenter 由Channel 4于2004年至2007年制作发行 本记录片一共三季,共16部分: 第一季一共6部分 第二季一共5部分 1.The Crown Imperial 2.King and Emperor 3.Shadow of the King 4.The Stuart Succession 5.Cromwell the King Killer 第三季共五部分: 1.Return of the King 2.The Glorious Revolution 3.Rule Britannia 4.Empire 5.Survival A Bit of Fry & Laurie was a British television sketch comedy show, starring and written by Stephen Fry and Hugh Laurie, broadcast by the BBC between 1989 and 1995. Running for four series, it totalled 26 episodes (including a 35 minute special in 1987). Series four (1995) [edit]Episode 1 Guests: John Bird, Jane Booker Sketches: Grey and Hopeless Guests Introduction Blame Charter Jane’s Poem (NOTE: Script appeared in first script book as Stephen’s Poem, but the poem is the same, except the line about his wife dying is changed to Jane’s grandfather being murdered.) Smell All We Gotta’ Do (song; Laurie performed this song when he hosted "Saturday Night Live" in 2006) Channel Changer Wonderful Life Cocktail Ending: Golden Meteorite [edit]Episode 2 Guests: Fiona Gillies, Kevin McNally Sketches: Dog Hamper Hugh’s Bandage Child Abuse Guests Introduction Going for Gold I’m in love with Steffi Graf (song) Lovers’ Helper Fascion Avenger Operational Criteria Cocktail Ending: Long, Confident Suck [edit]Episode 3 Guests: Imelda Staunton, Clive Mantle Sketches: Vox Pops Guests Introduction Barman Interruptus Little Girl (song) Making Tea For Some Reason Angry Don’t Be Dirty Cocktail Ending: South Seas Vulvic Wart [edit]Episode 4 Guests: Caroline Quentin, Patrick Barlow Sketches: Good Evening Guests Introduction Soccer School Dalliard: Models Hugh Interviewing Guests The polite rap (song) Head Gardener Gelliant Gutfright("Flowers For Wendy") Cocktail Ending: A Quick One With You, Stephen [edit]Episode 5 Guests: Phyllida Law, Stephen Moore Sketches: Oprah Winfrey Guests Introduction Grand Prix Tribunal Red and Shiny Pooch Disgusting Wasps Cocktail Ending: Swinging Ballsack [edit]Episode 6 Guests: None Sketches: Stolen Money Young Tory of the Year Variety Gossiping Heads Death Threat What I Mind (Misunderstood) (Song) Honda The Duke of Northampton Cocktail Ending: Silver Prostate [edit]Episode 7 Guests: Janine Duvitski, Robert Daws Sketches: Guests Introduction Religianto Consent Sophisticated Song (song) Fast Monologue Telephone Alert Truancy Cocktail Ending: A Modern Britain 温特沃斯第二季重磅回归!新一季的故事始于Bea干掉仇人JacsHolt三个月之后,Franky已经成为温特沃斯监狱里新一代的牢头狱霸,而此时Bea则在禁闭室饱受煎熬。然而初来乍到的新狱长JoanFerguson打算改变这一切,重建温特沃斯的秩序。by-考羊羊@悸花字幕组 女主因被控故意谋杀其丈夫进入女子监狱Wentworth,从此开始了她的狱中生活...复杂的监狱生活她该如何应对和处理..@悸花字幕组 紧接上一季活埋老妖婆...Frankyfightstoproveherinnocence,whiletheaftermathoftheescapedrivesthestaffintoconflict...逃狱Frankyx医生Bridget,大家随便关注一下吧! 女主因被控故意谋杀其丈夫进入女子监狱Wentworth,从此开始了她的狱中生活...复杂的监狱生活她该如何应对和处理……by:meijubar.net 博物馆的秘密:01.梵蒂冈博物馆02.罗浮宫03.皇家安大略博物馆04.埃及博物馆05.英国自然历史博物馆06.大都会艺术博物馆07.美国自然历史博物馆08.伦敦帝国战争博物馆09.墨西哥城人类学国家博物馆10.柏林博物馆11.维也纳艺术史博物馆12.伊斯坦布尔博物馆13.雅典国家考古博物馆14.国立艾尔米塔什博物馆 本剧故事发生在一家乡村俱乐部里,是网球版《疯狂高尔夫》(Caddyshack)。1985年夏天,20出头的年轻人DavidMyers在位于新泽西州的犹太红橡树乡村俱乐部里谋得一份职业网球助理的工作,他试图通过这份工作来确定自己究竟想要怎样的生活。RichardKind扮演David的父亲SamMyers,他一直希望儿子能成为一名会计师。在一次心脏病发作之后,Sam确信自己不久于人世,于是将一些惊人的秘密告诉了David。从此以后,这对父子的关系变得十分尴尬。 Afterdiscoveringasetofcrypticmicrocassettesinhernewhome,Casisdrawnintoameditativemysteryofenvironmentalsoundandexperimentalmusic. 当以自我为中心的哈维尔无意间成为超级英雄后,他的生活变得有些混乱,而他上一任女友的任务就是揭露他的身份。 《爱哭鬼上学记》(K-12)是由梅兰妮·马丁内兹指导,梅兰妮·马丁内兹,艾玛·哈维,希安·莫雷诺主演的奇幻歌舞片。仅于2019年9月5日在美国指定影院放映一晚,于2019年9月6日通过网络渠道及DVD碟片发行。该片讲述了CryBaby(梅兰妮·马丁内兹饰)来到了一所学校上学,受尽师生欺辱后与她最好的朋友们结成一对,结束了学校压迫性的K-12制度的故事。 该片由LukeJurevicius执导,讲述一个喜欢冒险,爱好发明又充满好奇心的女孩阿基,为了从邪恶的梅比博士手中救回父亲,她必须离家踏上史诗般的旅程。伍德蕾和科特尼将为女孩和博士配音。该片预计2019年北美上映。