Sledge hits you from the beginning with humor and originality. Opening with Assly's True American Horror television program, the action kicks off instantly with skull crushing deaths from the killer, Adam Lynch. Adam believes he is in a movie and video game that he has created in his head. 在深层宇宙空间,两艘敌对的宇宙拾荒者飞船发生小规模战斗。杰克(肖恩·派特里克·弗兰纳里 Sean Patrick Flanery 饰)率领的排水沟号和维克(罗克·克里切洛 Roark Critchlow 饰)率领的启示者号围绕维克刚刚得手的混沌发生器,展开了激烈的角逐。或许,启示者号上的美丽女子爱默生(露易丝·林顿 Louise Linton 饰)也是这两个曾经并肩闯荡全宇宙的男人反目成仇的重要原因。好不容易从排水沟号的猛烈炮火中逃脱,维克一方很快发现了混沌发生器的强大威力,这个来自外星人的高科技产物足以摧毁全宇宙的平衡。漫无边际的旅程,排水沟号和启示者号宿命的对决即将上演…… 由梅丽莎·乔治、泰雅·迪格斯、大卫·哈伯、朱丽娅·斯蒂尔斯领衔主演的电影《我们之间》为我们讲述的是:四个曾经的老友在各自结婚后,作为两对夫妇再次相遇,发现各自的生活较之从前已经大有不同,他们在金钱、成功、性以及孩子的影响之下,改变了各自生活的模样。而在彼此的对比过程中,发生了很多出乎意料的事情。 Julia Query, activist, comedian, lesbian and stripper at a club called the Lusty Lady, put in long hours on stage and in the peep booth along with fellow exotic dancers Decadence, Lolita and Octopussy. But when faced with no sick leave, unfair demotions, safely and privacy concerns, and racial discrimination, Query and her co-workers decide to organize and unionize the exotic dancers of the Lusty Lady. 坦諾第一次交易合約必須到非洲找富商之女,也是年輕貌美女公主,坦諾初到非洲糗事不斷,被當地人整的啼笑皆非,進入非洲草原叢林處處危機,一心要達成任務受盡恐懼及生命威脅 當他找到富商之女妮可時,卻被羞辱,連土著都怕他,坦諾也被整的慘,但經過坦諾一再努力下終於感動妮可,也贏的美人歸。 在遥远的东方世界,有一座与世无争的世外仙境“太阳岛”,岛主之子龙威是一个典型的“网瘾废柴”少年,却整天做着展翅高飞,拯救世界的白日梦,因为根据古老的预言,当整个世界陷入邪恶黑暗的时候,太阳岛上的太阳鸭就会出现并带领大家对抗邪恶,保护每一寸土地都能照到阳光,滋润万物生长,不受到邪恶力量的威胁多年后的某一天,绿头鸭军团意外来到太阳岛,东方鸭与绿头鸭之间的矛盾对抗打破了太阳岛长久以来的平静生活,意外的是身为太阳岛岛主之子的龙威与绿头鸭司令的女儿艾瑞卡,却在东方鸭、太阳鸭的高压对峙下陷入到了甜蜜恋爱之中,然而就在双方剑拔弩张战况愈演愈烈之际,那个被众人遗忘的“黑暗寓言”却在邪恶女巫婥特的布局下悄然发生……黑暗降临之际,曾经的“废柴网瘾少年”的龙威能否突破宿命,成为拯救世界的鸭界超级英雄——太阳鸭呢? 两名陌生人,都是滞留在加利福尼亚州的民间音乐家,在911事件后的几天内前往纽约市。这是一个关于陌生人善良和音乐力量的故事。 Conservationist Maria Diekmann visits Vietnam, Thailand and China to show how unusual scaly mammals called pangolins have become one of the most poached and illegally trafficked animal species in the world.环境保护者玛丽亚·迪克曼访问了越南、泰国和中国,展示了被称为穿山甲的不寻常的鳞片哺乳动物已经成为世界上最被偷猎和非法贩运的动物物种之一 为什么我们无法大声讨论月经?男性精液对女人皮肤有改善作用吗?衰老是所有女人无法逃脱的梦魇吗?…不!停止这些以性之名对女性的束缚,2021年全新由Ovide和Sophie-Marie Larrouy主创的动画剧集《自由的她们》(Libres!)向陈旧的性观念发出了反抗之声,她们呼吁女性从落后的性别观念中挣脱出来,在想要的时刻做自己想做的事,而这一切的前提只应该是她们愿意。她们是自由的,我们也是自由的。 A masked singer that also robs banks is interrogated, during the interrogation shows how he became who he is. Pran Boon(或猎手彭)杀死了一只小老虎,因而解救了一个遭它袭击的小孩。可猎手彭全然不知,他杀死的那只小老虎只是当地众多老虎中的一只,另外还有很多老虎隐秘在周围。目睹小老虎被杀的老虎妈前往彭居住的村庄,准备为子报仇,它杀死了彭的妻子,弄伤了他的女儿。彭知道,只有老虎妈死了,他和女儿才能安全,于是他决定在中国移民猎手龙的帮助下,在森林里寻找老虎妈。当虎妈袭击村庄越演越烈时,一个突击队员被派往彭的村庄调查。与此同时,一个英国猎手,乔和他的捕猎队员一起正狩猎野生动物。各种危险的捕猎激烈展开着,所有的人都将面对与老虎的生死对决。 Zombie Honeymoon is a romantic horror film about a young married couple, madly in love, on their honeymoon. One day on the beach, the groom Danny is attacked and killed by a man who rises up out of the water with no explanation, leaps on top of him, and vomits blood into his mouth. Danny is resuscitated ten minutes later, and seems to look and act totally normal. However, his wife Denise finds out that that's not the case at all. It turns out that Danny has become a zombie. However, instead of becoming a "Night Of The Living Dead"-style creature right off the bat, he disintegrates gradually, in a manner akin to cancer or AIDS. He and his wife Denise do their best to cope with his slipping away, not to mention the fact that he can't stop killing and eating people. As their best friends arrive for a weekend visit, she makes him promise her that they're off-limits. He agrees, but finds it more and more difficult to control himself. She hangs in there because he's the love of her life, but it becomes more and more apparent that her life is in jeopardy as well. Set in a world where walking, talking, digitally connected bots have become children's best friends, Ron's Gone Wrong tells the story of an 11-year-old boy who finds that his robot buddy doesn't quite work. After defeating the aliens and saving Earth, the Legends find themselves stranded in 1925 Odessa, Texas with a destroyed Waverider. Wanting to help fix things, Astra tries using her powers, which creates unwanted attention from the town and that of the new Director of the Bureau of Investigation, J. Edgar Hoover, and a surprise no one expected. Realizing they need to escape, Sara and Ava create a distraction by going on a crime spree with Hoover hot on their tails. Meanwhile, Zari is finding it hard to get over Constantine, so Behrad suggests the only thing he knows that can help. 警方破获神秘连环杀人案,凶手莫拉诺报复此案调查员塞尔比时,被警探科尔击中,送往研究所进行治疗。2年后,莫拉诺逃离了研究所,并要报复科尔与塞尔比。目睹亲人的死亡,塞尔比几近崩溃。当她发现莫拉诺的真实目的后,更加难以自制,并企图以死亡来求得平静……