东西双方处于针锋相对的奇妙情势。KGB内部有些人为了自己的私利,搞出了一系列的阴谋,首先是科斯柯夫假向西方"投诚",并道出KGB准备进行一项名为"特务飞龙"的计划,目的是消灭00组的特工,007怀疑其动机,伪装刺杀,并查出科斯柯夫与军火贩子一起用购买军火的货款走私毒品,007得到反政府武装的支持,终于炸毁了毒品,科斯柯夫的计划彻底破产。 穷小子道林格雷(本·巴恩斯BenBarnes饰)从乡下来到伦敦,结识了社交场上的著名画家巴兹尔(本·卓别林BenChaplin饰)和绅士亨利(科林·费斯ColinFirth饰),两人见他长相俊美,所以引荐他进入社交名流圈。巴兹尔专门以他为人体模特,画了一幅细腻入微、栩栩如生的半身肖像画,立刻引起社交圈的惊艳和赞叹。从此,格雷进入了名利场,每日过着五光十色的生活。一次偶然的机会,他爱上了小剧场演员塞西莉亚,两人一见钟情,私定终身。听说格雷要结婚,亨利便开始诱导他,不要相信婚姻,应该好好享受风月。于是,格雷跟爱人之间产生了矛盾,后来人们在河中发现了她怀孕的尸体,这让他非常震惊和懊恼,但是无力挽回。格雷彻底堕落,不断用女人、酒精甚至毒品麻醉自己。一个灵魂从此走上了邪恶的道路……本片根据英国作家王尔德发表于1891年的第一篇小说《道林·格雷的画像》改编。 Marcelino Sanz de Sautuola y de la Pedrueca, in 1868, accidentally discovered Paleolithic paintings with the help of a hunter named Modesto Cubillas inside Altamira's caves, located in Cantabria, north to Spain. Trying to expose their discovery to the academic world for that they study the paintings, Sautuola crashed against the skepticism and discredit of all experts, who claimed that the caves were false and the paintings made for the own Sautuola, in a effort to get rich. Looking for the truth, Sautuola was the rest of his life fighting to prove that those paintings were real, trying to restore his innocence from the accusations of falsehood launched against him. MarkA.Altman负责的CW夏季科幻剧《潘多拉Pandora》背景设置在2199年,主角是别称「Pandora」的Jax(PriscillaQuintana饰),丧失双亲后她在地球的太空训练学院找到新生活,现在足智多谋的Jax与朋友们一同学习如何阻止银河系里的人类或外星人威胁。不过当女主的真实身份被揭露时,她得面对自己可能是「人类救世主」或「毁灭人类的存在」。其余主演包括OliverDench﹑RaechelleBano﹑JohnHarlanKim﹑BenRadcliffe﹑BenitaSandhu﹑MartinBobb-Semple及NoahHuntley。 皇家婚禮是2003年浪漫喜劇片麻雀變王妃的續集 在前集中 珮姬愛上愛得華 卻不知他是如假包換的丹麥王子 在續集中 兩人卻要面對丹麥皇室傳統律法的規定 就是當王子與一個平民百姓結婚的話 他必須要宣示放棄皇位繼承權 This movie was what you would expect from a sequel that is looking to be a sweet and feel good comedy aimed at young audiences. It's great for kids as there is no swearing, questionable subject matter, et. Luke is a doll and comes across the dashing yet not uptight king (or prince, not sure) and I thought he and Paige (Kam Heskin) had great chemistry. You almost sense they really liked each other. Kam plays a little more of a glamorous Paige which I kind of liked now that it takes place in Europe. I found her very cute and funny and not uptight or stuffy either. I like her in Pride and Prejudice too. Kirsten (Clemency Burton-Hill)is hysterical and plays a great villianess. Her father, played by Jim Holt was very entertaining. And the Queen looked very regal and likable. Overall I thought this was a very cute, simple little movie that had some very funny parts and kept me entertained. Worth the rental